Personlig profil


Rasmus Gahrn-Andersen is Associate Professor at the Department of Culture and Language (University of Southern Denmark). He is currently researching human socio-practical activity from an interdisciplinary perspective. 

He is currently Principal Investigator on the project Determinants of Resilience in Organizational Networks (DRONe) funded by the Velux Foundations (DKK 3.5 mio). The project explores the impact of technological innovation on organizational behavior, focusing on resilience amidst disruptive changes. By examining how drones with thermographics interact with employees' cognitive attitudes and leakage-detection/repair practices, DRONe investigates the socio-cognitive factors enabling slow adaptation to technology and its subsequent contribution to organizational resilience in the context of infrastructure maintenance.

Besides, he has been a partner/co-applicant on two Drone-related projects, both internally funded at SDU on the strategic Lighthouse initiative (> DKK 3 mio). One project was on Human-Drone Interaction while the other was on organizational barriers to the implementation of drones in the Danish district heating sector.


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