Personlig profil


Curriculum Vitae

Education / academic employment

2019-            - Professor (full), Director. Centre for Journalism. SDU

2011-2019    - Professor wsr, PhD, Director. Centre for Journalism. SDU

2010- 2011   - Associate Professor, PhD, Director and head of studies. Centre for Journalism. SDU

2005-2011    - Associate professor, PhD. Centre for Journalism. SDU

2002-2005    - Post.doctoral-researcher, PhD. MODINET-centre. Copenhagen University.

2000-2001    - Visiting scholar. Graduate School of Journalism. Columbia University

1999-2003    - PhD-student. Department of Journalism. SDU.

1992-1999    - BA and Master. Cand. comm. Major in Communication. RUC.


Previous work – outside academia

1998-1998       – Communication advisor. Brinkmann Kommunikation A/S. 

1998-1999       – Media analyst and advisor. Ministry of Justice

1995-1997       – Press secretary, Danish Parliament.

1994-1996    – Freelance writer for various newspapers, magazines etc.


Member of boards – editorial and news industry

Editorial boards: Journalism Studies, Nordicom and Danish Media and Communication Encyclopedia

Industry boards: Constructive Institute / Aarhus University (advisory board), board member Fondet for Dansk-Norsk Samarbejde and board member University Press of Southern Denmark


Other research and university-based experiences

Teacher and supervisor for BA-, MA- and PhD-students. Censor at Copenhagen University, Aarhus University, Roskilde University and Aalborg University. Member of assessment committees at SDU and other national and international universities when it comes to assessing and hiring at all levels, including full professors. Regular reviewer for most journals within journalism studies, e.g. Journalism and Journalism studies. Member of national and international research association, such as ICA, ECREA and SMID (Association for Danish Media Researchers).



Peter Bro is Professor, PhD and director of the Centre for Journalism at University of Southern Denmark. The Centre has a fulltime staff of 30+ researchers and lecturers and fulltime students 600+ students and the programs include a BA, to master programs plus midcareer programs. Peter is member of several editorial boards as well as industry boards, and he regular publishes – both monographs, anthologies and articles – within journalism studies in general. He currently has a particular interest in new, emerging communication technologies and ideologies and the ways in which they effect people both inside and outside of newsroom.


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