Personlig profil



1995 - 1996: Jyske Trænregiment, Aalborg, Denmark


1997 - 2004: Medical School, University of Southern Denmark

Professional career

2009 - 2013: Ph.D. study, Department of Urology, Odense University Hospital

2007 - 2015: Resident of Urology, Department of Urology at Fredericia Hospital and Odense University Hospital

2004 - 2007: House Officer, departments of Urology, Surgery, and Medicine, Region of Southern Denmark


SDU/ Pure

Ph.D. project

Aspects of prostate cancer: staging of lymph node and bone metastases by PET/CT and osteoporosis caused by androgenic deprivation

The study has three parts:

A clinical trial on lymph node staging of men with prostate cancer, which compares traditional operative staging up against 18F-Choline PET/CT.
A clinical trial on detection of bone metastases in men with prostate cancer, using bone scintigraphy, 18F-Choline PET/CT, 18F-Fluoride PET/CT and MRI.
A clinical trial exploring osteoporosis among men with prostate cancer, who are treated with androgen deprivation.


  • Sundhed og sygdom
  • Sygdomme
  • Diagnostik


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