Personlig profil


Curriculum vitae for Karen Søgaard  

Academic degrees and education
1978 Graduation from Roskilde Katedralskole, Denmark (Matematisk Biologisk Studentereksamen)
1980 Minor in Nordic language and literature, University of Copenhagen.
1982 Minor in Physical education, University of Copenhagen.
1986 Major in Human Physiology, University of Copenhagen
1994 PhD, Human Physiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
2001 and 2003 Course in International Competence (Flexsprog and Global Danmark)
2003 3 Module course in Project management and coordination (“Implement”)
2006 Shortlisted for a professorship in Physiotherapeutic research at SDU. Stilling nr 061012
2008 Shortlisted for a professorship in physical exercise at Aarhus University.

Employment and work abroad
1986-90 Research assistant at National Institute of Occupational Health. (Inc.5 months maternity leave)
1990-93 Ph D student at National Institute of Occupational Health,
1991 3 weeks as guest researcher at Department of Kinesiology, Faculty of Applied Health Sciences, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.
1993-97 Researcher at Department of Work Physiology at National Institute of Occupational Health.
1995-96 7 month as Research Fellow at Department of Kinesiology, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada.
1997-99 Senior Researcher at Department of Physiology at National Institute of Occupational Health.
1999-01 Senior Researcher at Department of Research in Computer Work at National Institute of Occupational Health.
2001 4 months as Research Fellow at Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, Sydney, Australia
2002 Senior Researcher at Department of Physiology at National Institute of Occupational Health.
2003 1 month as guest researcher at Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute, Sydney, Australia
2001-2004 Project manager of the Danish part of EC project “NEW”, Neuromuscular assessment in the elderly worker (
2003-2006 Senior researcher and Coordinator for the Research group “Performance and Pain Physiology” at National Institute of Occupational Health, Denmark.
2007 Head of FINALE project research group. National Research Centre for the Working Environment.
2008-present Professor at Institute of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, University of Southern Denmark


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