Personlig profil


1994. PhD., University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Thesis title: Mineral development and mining policy in Greenland.
1991. Graduate diploma, Mining engineering, McGill University, Montreal. Concentration: Mineral economics;
1988. B.Comm. (HD), International trade and management, Copenhagen Business School.
1988. MSc, Copenhagen University (Major field: Economic geology; Minor fields: geochemistry and project evaluation).

2001-present. Associate Professor, Dept. of Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg.
2000-Present. Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, University of Dundee, Scotland.
2000-01. Lecturer, Dept. of Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg.
1996-2000. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Organization and Management, Aarhus School of Business.
1996-97. Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Petroleum, Energy & Mineral Law & Policy, University of Dundee.
1994-97. Senior Research Fellow, Dept. of Economics, Copenhagen Business School. Project leader for a research project on licensing of oil and gas lands, funded by the Danish Ministry of Energy.
1994-96. Marie Curie Fellow, Dept. of Earth Resources Engineering, Royal School of Mines, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London.
1989-93. Research Fellow, Institute of Economics, Copenhagen Business School.

2007-11: Program Director, B.Comm. (HD) in Organisation and management, University of Southern Denmark
2004-05: Director of Business Programmes, University of Southern Denmark.

2007-present. Corporate Strategy in the extractive industries. University of Dundee MBA (Oil, Gas & Minerals) program.
2000- present. Management and organization theory, Business strategy, Corporate Social Rsponsibility, Law and Economics, Dept. of Environmental and Business Economics, University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg.
1996-2000. Organization theory, strategy and environmental management, Dept. of Organization and Management, Aarhus School of Business.
1996-97. Project evaluation and Mining law, Centre for Petroleum, Energy & Mineral Law & Policy, University of Dundee.
1993-94. Environmental economics and management, Department of Economics, Copenhagen Business School.
1991-93. Teaching assistant in Engineering economics, Dept. of Mining and Mineral Process Mineral Engineering, University of British Columbia.

1989- 93. Non-renewable resource policy in Greenland. Grants from Copenhagen Business School and the Danish Social Science Research Council.
1994-97. Off-shore licensing systems and mechanisms. Energy Research Program grant, Danish Ministry of Environment and Energy.
1999-2000. EMAS Eastwards, funded by the EU ENRICH Phase II program.
2001-2004. Life Cycle assessments and Business Practice, funded by the Social Science Research Council of Denmark.

Professor Mark Sharfman
Michael F. Price College of Business Administration
University of Oklahoma
307 West Brooks
Norman, Oklahoma 73019-4006
Professor Erik R. Larsen
Institute of Management
Università della Svizzera italiana (USI)
Via Giuseppe Buffi 13
CH-6900 Lugano


My current research combines the broad fields of organisation theory and strategy with the narrow field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). I am particularly interested in the inner workings of CSR within firms and in the results that follow from investing in CSR. Answers to these questions are very elusive, but I am currently developing a research project to examine the Contingencies, Choices and Outcomes involved in CSR projects. The empirical focus for this project is the global mining industry, where CSR is widely seen as an indispensable instrument in securing broad support from stakeholders.

Over the years I have written my fair share of endlessly boring research papers, as one must. A few are possibly worth looking at. The publication list covers them all.


Knud Sindings research is centered on the business/environment interface, with particular emphasis on the use and documentation of CSR policies and performances offered by firms to their stakeholders.


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