Personlig profil


I'm a philosopher and social theorist specialized in critical theory, in particular related to the climate- and biodiversity breakdown and how theory and practice can and should feed of each other in this respect. I am specialized in environmental philosophy and politics, critical theory and Marxism, and modern German philosophy (Kant, German Idealism, Early German Romanticism). 

My research concerns nature-human-relations and the many ways in which the planetary crises are related to questions of power, values, capitalism, basic (anthropocentric) world-views, patriarchy, moral judgement, growth-regimes, and symbolic structures. It also concerns how to imagine and prefigure alternative and common ecological futures, and how to mobilize and organize such futures in the present.

Besides having edited three books in Danish on the climate crisis from a social and human scientific perspective - En anden økologi (2024, forthcoming in September), Jordskred: Bidrag til den nye naturtænkning (2024) Planetære frakturer (2022) - my work has been published in journals such as Environmental Humanities, The Review of Metaphysics, Open Philosophy, Slagmark, Schelling-Studien, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, South African Journal of Philosophy. 

I'm a founder and editor of the Danish online philosophy journal Paradoks and a member of Centre for Environmental Humantities (AU), New Voices on Women in the History of Philosophy, The Green Network for Researchers, and International Society for Environmental Ethics. I also peer-review for Inquiry, British Journal for the History of Philosophy, Danish Yearbook of Philosophy, and Slagmark.

Current research

My postdoc-project Concepts in Action: The Borderlands of Environmental Theory and Practice is a part of the SDU Climate Cluster-project PACA (Mobilizing Post-Anthropocentric Climate Action). The project maps post-anthropocentric and post-growth theories and actors in order to outline political and cultural strategies for building ecological futures and classes, with a particular focus on Danish radical grassroots actors such as climate justice activists, eco-villages, and regenerative farming projects.

Related to the PACA-project, I'm working on a project on so-called Wild Law about post-anthropocentric ways of transcending human-centred conceptions of rights, care and protection. 

I'm also working on completing a book manuscript based on my PhD-dissertation about the history of ecological thinking.

I am also finalizing an anti-capitalist handbook about the climate breakdown that I have edited together with Tobias Dias. It will be published by Antipyrine in September and is called Another Ecology, containing contributions from activists, authors, artists, and academics.

Also, I'm working on a translation project of texts by the German poet and philosopher Karoline von Günderrode together with Martin Fog Lantz Arndal.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Philosophy, PhD, Aarhus Universitet

1. maj 2019jan. 2024

Dimissionsdato: 29. jan. 2024


  • Humanistisk videnskabsteori
  • Videnskabshistorie og videnskabelig idéhistorie
  • Videnskabssociologi
  • Demokrati
  • Bevidsthedsfilosofi
  • Sprogfilosofi
  • Moralbegrundelse
  • Økologi
  • Økonomisk politik
  • Bio-økonomiske modeller
  • Vidensbegrebet
  • Filosofi og litteratur
  • Tysk filosofi i det 20. århundrede
  • Kritisk teori
  • Den tyske idealisme
  • Demokrati og magt
  • Ideologi
  • Folkelige bevægelser
  • Retsfilosofi
  • Truede arter
  • Naturbevaring
  • Politisk historie
  • Økonomisk historie



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