Personlig profil


Received my MSc degree in Communications Technology from Ulm University in 2005, and the PhD degree (with honors) in Information Engineering and Technology from the German University in Cairo in collaboration with Magdeburg University in 2011.

From 2012 till 2015, I was a Lecturer at Kiel University where I was involved in teaching and research. From 2015 to 2020, I was a Senior RF/EMC Expert with IMS Connector Systems Group and Keysight Technologies. Since 2020 till 2023, I've been a Technical Leader at Nokia Networks, Ulm-Germany. Right now I'm an Assoc. Professor of Electromagnetic Compatibility at SDU Denmark.
My professional experience spans RF and EMC design, analysis, simulation and measurement for automotive and wireless technologies.

I also serve as an Associate Editor at both IEEE Access and IEEE Internet of Things Journal, a reviewer for multiple IEEE/IET Journals and a TPC-member for many conferences. I was the recipient of numerous prestigious awards and honors from different conferences and organizations worldwide. Moreover, I'm honored by being an active professional and a Lecturer at the IEEE EMC German Society.

My research interests focus on ML-Driven Techniques for EMI Simulations and Smart EMI Shielding.

Research Interests

Some of my current research areas are:

  • EMI troubleshoorting and mitigation using ML.
  • Smart EMC shielding materials.
  • EMC-Compliant power electronic circuits and layouts.
  • SI/PI enhancement of power converters. 

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Electrical Engineering, PhD, Broadband Material Characterization Using Whispering-Gallery-Mode Resonators, German University in Cairo in collaboration with Magdeburg University

Dimissionsdato: 22. feb. 2011

Communications Technology (mmWave Measurements), MSc, University of Ulm

Dimissionsdato: 27. jan. 2005


  • Elektromagnetisme


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