Karin Buhmann

Professor, Centerleder (Centre for Law, Sustainability & Justice)

Personlig profil


Sustainability governance [bæredygtighed og regulering], including

- Fair and just transitions with respect for human rights

- Public, hybrid, private and ‘smart’ sustainability regulation

- Communicative aspects of regulation for sustainability

- regulation of sustainable natural resource usages (timber, plant products, minerals, land, water, …)                                                 

Responsible business conduct (RBC) [ansvarlig virksomhedsadfærd], including

  • Business and Human Rights
  • Human Rights due diligence
  • Risk-based due diligence
  • Meaningful stakeholder consultation and meaningful engagement with rights-holders

Arctic sustainability governance [Arktis], including

- sustainable resource law, governance and development

- Greenlandic sustainability assessment law and practice [Grønland]

- Comparative Arctic and Global South social and sustainability impact assessment in law and practice

- regulatory responses to public views on societal impacts of natural resource extraction

Regulatory governance

Transnationalisation of law and international human rights law


Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Dr.scient.adm; PhD; Master of International Law; cand.jur. & exam.art.

Eksterne ansættelser

Medlem af bestyrelsen for Institut for Menneskerettigheder (udpeget af Rektorkollegiet), Institut for menneskerettigheder

Medlem, NCP Danmark (Mæglings- og Klageinstitutionen for ansvarlig virksomhedsadfærd), OECD National Contact Point (Mæglings- og Klagebehandlingsinstitutionen for ansvarlig virksomhedsadfærd)

Copenhagen Business School (Professor (mso) i Business and Human Rights - delvis orlov)


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