Personlig profil


Technology and Aesthetics 
Machine Vision
Representations of War
Drone Warfare
German literature and German Cultural History from 1800 - present
Representations of History  in nineteenth-century Germany
Visual Popular Culture in nineteenth-century Germany
Memory Discourses: Germany and Japan
Realist Prose
Travel Literature and Tourism
Transnational Contemporary Literature
Theories of Modernity (Frankfurt School, Niklas Luhmann)









Kathrin Maurer (Dr. Phil; Ph.D)
Professor mso for Humanities and Technology
Institute for the Study of Culture/German Studies 
E-mail: [email protected]
Leader of Center for Culture and Technology at SDU:
Senior Fellow at DIAS:
Leader of Drone Imaginaries Cluster (Independent Research Fund Denmark):
Website: Kathrin Maurer


Professor mso for Culture and Technology, SDU, Denmark, 2020-
Visiting Scholar at New York University, 2019-2020
Associate Professor, German Studies, SDU, 2012-2020
Assistant Professor, German Studies, SDU, 2008-2012
Assistant Professor, German Studies, University of Arizona, 2002-2007
Preceptor for Contemporary Civilization I + II, Columbia University, 2001-2002
Instructor for German Language at Columbia University, Fall 1996-Spring 2001
Instructor for German Language at Fordham University, Spring 2001
Instructor for German Language at Barnard University, Spring 2001

Dr. Phil. German Studies, University of Southern Denmark, March 2015
Ph.D. German Studies, Columbia University, October 2002
M.Phil. German Studies, Columbia University, September 1998
M.A. German Studies, Columbia University, September 1996
B.A. German Studies/Philosophy, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, 1994

Research Grants
Danish Research Council (DFF), “Drone Imaginaries and Communities”, 2020-2023  (PI)
Carlsberg Research Travel Grant, 2019-2020 (PI)
Danish Research Council (DFF) funding for “Network on Drones and Aesthetics”, 2017-2019
University of Southern Denmark (SDU) “Drones and Public Image” with Department of Management and Marketing, SDU, 2016
Cooperation Grant for a Workshop on “Images, Emotions, and War,” 2017
Japan Foundation for the Promotion of Science, grant for “Cultures of Remembrance Japan-Germany,” 2014 
Danish Research Council (DFF), Grant for conference “Visualizing War,” 2014 
Carlsberg Foundation Grant for conference “Visualizing War,” 2014
Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation Grant for conference “Government and Catastrophes,” 2013
Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation Research Grant, 2008-2009 
Provost’s Author Support Fund, University of Arizona, 2005
Faculty Small Grant, University of Arizona, 2003-2004

President’s Fellowship, Tuition Waiver and Boarding, Columbia University, 1995-2002
Annette Kade Foundation Fellowship, Columbia University, 2001-2001
Max Kade Foundation Fellowship, Columbia University, 2000
Mellon Fellowship for Pre-doctoral Research, Columbia University, 1999-2000 
Deutsches Haus-Fellowship, Research Scholarship, Columbia University, 1996, 1998 
Tuition Scholarship, Comparative Literature at the University of Oregon, 1994-1995

Nomination for the “Undervisningspris Humaniora” at SDU, 2012
Chosen member of the “Career development program for female academics,” SDU, 2011-2012
Nomination for Excellent Teaching Award, Columbia University, 1999

Leader of Center for Culture and Technology at SDU, 2020 -
Leader of DFF research project 2, Drone Imaginaries and Communities, 2020-2023
Leader of DFF sponsored research network Drones and Aesthetics, 2017-2020
Co-leader of research project Drones and Public Image, SDU Lighthouse Initiative on Drones, 2017-2019
Leader of the research group War and Culture, SDU, 2015-2016, 2018-
Leader of the Network on War and Violence, German Studies Association, 2018-2021
Member of the leadership team at the Center for War Studies, SDU, 2015-2016, 2018-2020

Courses on Leadership
Executive Course Research Leadership, Copenhagen Business School, Module 1-3, 2016-2017
PhD Advising Course, SDU, August 2015

Member of the Research Network War and Gender, Belgium, 2015-2016
Member of the scholarly network Stedforskning, SDU, 2010-2013
Member of the scholarly network The Gutenberg Parenthesis, SDU, 2009-2010
Member of the scholarly network Kulturvidenskabelig Migrationsstudier, KU, 2010

PhD Advising
Dea Schou, Kriegsrausch: Ecstasy, Hallucination, and Lust in German Art of WW1, defended 2020
Andreas Immanuel Graae, Drone Imaginaries, defended 2019

Danish Board of Technolohy (Committee Member), Fall 2020-Dec 2022
Forskningsråd (Research Council), SDU, 2015-2016; 2018-2019
Akademisk Råd (Academic Council), SDU, 2017-
H.C. Andersen Literature Prize Committee, 2017-
BFI Styregruppe (Council for Bibliographical Data), 2016-
Studienævn Tysk og Spansk (Committee on Students Affairs), SDU, 2013-2017
Institutråd (Committee of the Institute), SDU, 2013-17
Institutsforum (Committee of the Institute), SDU, 2011-2012
Women’s Information Network in the Humanities at SDU, (co-founder), 2010-2013
Bedømmelse Udvalg (search committee), Associate Professor in German, Roskilde University, 2013

Undergraduate Student Committee, University of Arizona) 2005-2006
Graduate Student Committee, University of Arizona, 2002-2003, 2006-2007
Library Acquisition Committee, University of Arizona, 2006
Max Kade Visiting Scholar Committee, University of Arizona, 2006
Ph.D. Planning Committee, University of Arizona, 2006
Study Abroad Committee, University of Arizona, 2002- 2004

Advisory Committees for Journals
Member of the Academic advisory committee for the international peer reviewed journal Pandaemonium Germanicum (Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia)

Referee and reviewer for scholarly manuscripts academic journals: Seminar, Security Dialogue; Media, War and Conflict; Zeitschrift für Deutsche Philologie; Modern Austrian Literature; The German Quarterly; German Studies Review, Orbis Litterarum; The Central Historical Review, Body and Society, War and Culture (all peer review)

Scholarships, Grants, Nominations

  • Grant for the Humboldt-Kolleg, “Government and Catastrophes” Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, SDU, 2013
  • Research Grant from the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, March 2008-2009
    Provost’s Author Support Fund, scholarship for academic writers, University of Arizona, November 2005
  • Faculty Small Grant, Scholarship for the research project “Libraries and Technology,” University of Arizona, 2003-2004
  • President’s Fellowship, Scholarship for tuition and board, Columbia University, September 1995-September 2002
  • Annette Kade Foundation Fellowship, Scholarship for research in Germany, Columbia University, March 2001-September 2001
  • Max Kade Foundation Fellowship, Scholarship for research in Germany, Columbia University, Summer 2000
  • Mellon Fellowship for Pre-doctoral Research, Columbia University, September 1999-September 2000
  • Nomination for Excellent Teaching Award, Columbia University, 1999
  • Deutsches Haus-Fellowship, Research Scholarship, Columbia University, 1996, 1998
  • Tuition Scholarship, Baden-Württemberg Exchange Program, University of Oregon, August 1994-August 1995


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