Personlig profil


Socio-cultural barriers to societal and individual behavioural change in global market societies, studied in contexts related to social and environmental sustainability (shopping practices, relation to and consumption of nature, waste avoidance) 


Biodiverse reconfigurations of sustainable consumption practice; ecocentric approaches to sustainability, climate and nature; ethnic and postcolonial tensions in the marketplace

As head of the "Sustainable Markets" research cluster, I collaborate with colleagues from across the Social Sciences but also other faculties in addressing the complex sustainability challenges that our societies face.

Past and current projects

  • Who Owns Nature: sustainable consumption and relations to other-than-human beings in private gardens. Please visit:
  • Logistic perspectives on sustainable consumption
  • Ethnic conflicts in the supermarket
  • Plastic - Discursive constructions of matter


  • Forbrugerkultur
  • Globalisering
  • Immigration og emigration
  • Mindretal


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  • 1 Lignende profiler

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