Publikationer pr. år
Publikationer pr. år
Professor - PhD
• LD´s (Lønmodtagernes Dyrtidsfond) education for members and chairmen of boards of directors, 1997.
• Ph.D. (The Contemporary Society with Mixed Economy), Roskilde University, Denmark, 1989.
• M.A. in Public Administration, Roskilde University, Denmark, 1979.
Relevant Professional Experiences
1. 2012 -
Professor in management and organization, University of Southern Denmark, the Department of Environmental and Business Economics, Esbjerg.
2. 1986 - 2012
Associated Professor, Roskilde University, Denmark.
From October 2008 Associated Professor MSK.
During leaves from Roskilde University I have been manager in different positions.
A. 2002
Temporary director of CVU East, Denmark (University College Eastern Denmark). on a short term contract.
B. 1999 - 2001
Head of the Mayor’s Office; Mayor’s Department in Aalborg Municipal, Denmark
As part of the job I:
- represented Aalborg Municipality in various committees having the responsibility for the administration of EU Structural Funds promoting regional development.
- had the responsibility to design, fund and implement EU projects within Aalborg Municipality.
- had the responsibility for the lobby-office of North Denmark in Brussels.
- represented Aalborg Municipality in various committees and boards promoting regional development in North Jutland involving all major actors in the region.
C. 1994 – 1998
Director of West Zealand Business Development Centre, West Zealand County.
As director of West Zealand Business Development Centre, the task was to create regional development on the basis of many different projects within business development, export, education, public-private cooperation etc. The projects involved private firms, municipalities, public institutions, interest organizations, educational institutions and other regional actors. Furthermore, I had the responsibility of the administration of EU Structural Funds promoting regional development in West Zealand County.
In addition to the job as director, I was (working) chairman of the board of Zealand Care Ltd., Denmark in the period 1995-1997. Zealand Care was designed and ‘born’ within West Zealand Business Development Centre with the aim of creating regional development via public-private partnership (PPP). Zealand Care Ltd. did innovate equipments for disabled citizens and did provide disabled citizens in municipalities and regions with equipments. Zealand Care is now part of a major international business concern.
In addition to the job as director of the centre, I was also director of the administration of the EU programmes Phare Baltic Project Facility and Tacis CBC Small Project Facility in the period 1997-1998. As part of this job, I had the responsibility for offices – contact points – in Sweden, Finland, Russia, the Baltic States, Poland, Germany, Bruxelles and Denmark. The programmes´ goal was to promote development in the Baltic Region on the basis of ‘East-West’ cooperation after the break down of the Berlin Wall.
Visiting professor
3: Visiting Professor: Lodz University, Center of European Studies, Poland, in winter 1992/93. Teaching Ph.d. students and lecturing for the academic staff.
2: Visiting Professor: Marmara University in Istanbul, Turkey, April 1992.
Lecturing on EU and European Integration.
1: Visiting Professor: The European University Institute at the economic department invited by Professor Stuart Holland. Firenze, Italy, in winter 1989/1990.
2: Consultant for Amphion in 1996, evaluating ’Netværksprogrammet 1989 – 1992’. The aim of the programme was to promote cooperation among small private firms so as to stimulate the Danish and the firms´ export.
1. Consultant for FAST (EU) on regional cooperation and development in the Baltic Region, 1991-1992.
I: Books & Ph.d.
6: Pedersen, John Storm (2010): Reformerne i den offentlige sektor: Skab 6 plusser!
Copenhagen: Jurist- og Økonomforbundets Forlag.
5: Pedersen, John Storm (2004): Nye rammer – offentlig opgaveløsning under og efter strukturreformen. Copenhagen: Børsens Forlag.
4: Pedersen, John Storm (2003): Offentligt eller Privat? Hvordan løser man bedst politisk besluttede opgaver? Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur & Roskilde Universitetsforlag.
3: Pedersen, John Storm og Lars Fuglsang (1994): Vore Nye Naboer – erhvervs- og samfundsudviklingen i de baltiske lande, Polen og Tjekkiet efter reformprocessen. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.
2: Bevort, Frans, John Storm Pedersen og Jon Sundbo (1992). 90´ernes personaleledelse: Et paradigmeskift. Herning: Systime.
1: Pedersen, John Storm (1989): Det moderne blandingsøkonomiske organisationssamfund. Ph.d. tesis. Institut for Samfundsøkonomi og Planlægning; Roskilde Universitetscenter.
II: Peer reviewed articles
13: Pedersen, John Storm & Sverri Hammer (2012): ”Nogle konsekvenser af Strukturreformen år 6 – Det Specialiserede Socialområde.” In Tidsskrift for Arbejdsliv, 14. årgang, nr. 4. 2012, pp 48-67.
12: Pedersen, John Storm & Karl Löfgren (2012):”Public Sector Reforms: New Public Management without Marketisation? The Danish Case.” In International Journal of Public Administration, 35:7, pp. 435-447.
11: Pedersen, John Storm & Jacob Dahl Rendtorff (2010):”Balance between values and economic efficiency in the public sector. What can public welfare service institutions learn from private service firms?” In Society and Business Review, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 293-302.
10: Fuglsang, Lars & John Storm Pedersen (2009): ”Hvor forskellig er offentlig og privat innovation?”. In Politik no. 1, Årgang 12: 2009.
9: Hagedorn-Rasmussen, Peter, Jeppe Højland og John Storm Pedersen (2006): ”Strukturreformens konsekvenser for ledere og medarbejdere”. In Arbejdsliv, Årgang 8, no. 4, December 2006, pp. 10-27.
8: Pedersen, John Storm (2006):”Strukturreform & Succeskriterier”. In Nordisk Administrativt Tidsskrift no. 2, October 2006, pp. 137-158.
7: Pedersen, John Storm (2005): “Value-based Management in the Public Sector: More Value for the Taxpayers Money? A Danish Case and the Background”. In Acta Universitatis Lodziensis, Folia Oeconomica 195, 2005.
6: Pedersen, John Storm (2005): ”Hvordan løser man bedst politisk besluttede opgaver? - Løsningsmodeller, aktører og strukturreform”. In Økonomi og Politik, 78. årgang no. 2, June 2005, pp. 36-49.
5: Pedersen, John Storm & Jacob Dahl Rendtorff (2004): “Value-based Management in Local Public Organizations: A Danish Experience”. In Cross Cultural Management – An International Journal; Volume 11 2/2004, pp. 71-94.
4: Pedersen, John Storm & Jacob Dahl Rendtorff (2003): ”Værdibaseret ledelse – et svar på udfordringerne til offentlige organisationer og institutioner i disse år?” In Nordisk Administrativt tidsskrift, no. 2, June 2003, pp. 163-185.
3: Fuglsang, Lars & John Storm Pedersen (1995):”The Impact of Nine Social Groups on Socio-economic Development in Eastern and Central Europe.” In European Spatial Research and Policy; Volume 2, No. 1, 1995.
2: Bevort, Frans, John Storm Pedersen & Jon Sundbo (1992):”Human Resource Management in Denmark.” In Employee Relations; vol. 14, number 4/1992.
1: Pedersen, John Storm (1987): ”Blandingsøkonomi – positionsspil og skillevej.” In Politica 1/1987.
III: Peer reviewed contributions in anthologies
10. Fuglsang, Lars & John Storm Pedersen (2011). “How Common Is Public Sector Innovation and How Similar Is It to Private Sector Innovation?” In Innovation in the Public Sector: Linking Capacity and Leadership. (Eds.) Bekkers, Victor, Jurian Edelenbos and Bram Steijn. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011. pp. 44-60.
9: Fuglsang, Lars, Jeppe Højland & John Storm Pedersen (2009):” Public innovation with care: a quantitative approach”. In Innovation and the creative process – towards innovation with care (Ed.) Fuglsang, Lars. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, pp. 131-141.
8: Pedersen, John Storm (2008): “Changing Success Criteria for Public Sector Institutions - Squaring of the Circle? In The Anatomy of Change – A Neo-Institutionalist Perspective. (Eds.) Scheuer, Steen & John Damm Scheurer. Copenhagen: Copenhagen Business School Press, 79-106.
7: Bevort, Frans, John Storm Pedersen & Jon Sundbo (1995): ”Denmark.” In Human Ressource Management in Western Europe (Ed.) Brunstein, Ingrid.Berlin: Walter de Gruter 1995.
6: Fuglsang, Lars & John Storm Pedersen (1994): “Pro-Active and Strategic Policies of Integration: Towards a New Social Division of Labour in the Baltic region.” In Nordic-Baltic Europe is Restructuring: Looking for The Integration Fits. (Eds.) Cwiklinski, Henryk & Jan W.Owsinski. Warsaw-Sopot.
5: Pedersen, John Storm (1993): “The Baltic Region and the New Europe.” In Networks, Border Regions and European Integration (Eds.) Cappelin & Batey. London: Pion Ltd.
4: Pedersen, John Storm (1992): “A New Paradigm for Rational Management of Enterprises in the 90s.” In Business Annals 1992 (Ed.) Pedersen, M. Kühn. Roskilde Universitetscenter: Forlaget Samfundsøkonomi og Planlægning.
3: Pedersen, John Storm (1992): “European Integration – Prospects and Challenge to the “Scandinavian Model”” In Macroeconomic Theories & Policies for the 1990s (Eds.) Amoroso, Bruno & Jesper Jespersen. London: MACMILLAN.
2: Pedersen, John Storm & Troels Norup Panild (1992): ”Environmental Cooperation between the Nordic Countries and Eastern Europe – Regional Cooperation and Ecological Modernization in the Region of the Baltic Sea.” In Environmental Policy in Europe (Ed.) Jachtencfuchs M. Stübel. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag.
1: Pedersen, John Storm (1992): “A New Paradigm for Rational Management of Enterprises and Handling Development Problems in the 90´s.” In Economic and Social Cohesion in the 1990´s (Ed.) Holland, Stuart. Report to Commissioners Christophersen (DG II and XXII), Papandreou (DG V), Mac´Sharry (DG VI) and Milan (DG XVI), supported by Commission President Jacques Delors.
IV: Articles
3: Pedersen, John Storm (2010): ”Ledelse i en reformtid”. In no. 5 May 2010.
2: Pedersen, John Storm (1994): ”Nye perspektiver i Øststøtten”. In Samfundsøkonomen; no. 2/1994. See also: Nowe perspektywy programmu ”Pomoc Europie Wschodniej”.
1: Hansen, G. Torben og John Storm Pedersen (1978): ”Arbejderbevægelsen, økonomisk politik og statslige reformer.” In Tidsskrift for politisk økonomi; 3/1978.
V: Anthologies by John Storm Pedersen - and others
5: Pedersen, John Storm (2007): Ledelse i en reformtid i velfærdsstatens Maskinrum. Copenhagen: Forvaltningshøjskolens Forlag.
4: Pedersen, John Storm og Bent Greve (1989): Det indre marked – udfordringer og muligheder. Copenhagen: Akademisk Forlag.
3: Pedersen, John Storm and Bent Greve (1989): The Internal Marked in EEC: A Debate on Eurotrends. Roskilde: Forlaget for Samfundsøkonomi og Planlægning.
2: Andersen, W. Ole, John Storm Pedersen og Jon Sundbo (1988): Service- og erhvervsudvikling. Roskilde Universitetscenter: Erhvervsanalytiske serie.
1: Pedersen, John Storm og Jon Sundbo (1987): Service – et spil om fremtid. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.
Va: Contributions in the anthologies mentioned under V
In Ledelse i en reformtid i velfærdsstatens maskinrum (2007)
1: Pedersen, John Storm: ”Innovation på trods – i en reformtid.” Pp. 39-57.
2: Pedersen, John Storm: ”Hvilke kvaliteter skal en Kvalitetsreform have for at være af god kvalitet?” Pp. 111-130.
3: Højland, Jeppe og John Storm Pedersen: ”Institutionernes, ledernes og medarbejdernes succeskriterier – og Strukturreformen.” Pp. 20-38.
In Det indre marked – udfordringer og muligheder (1989)
1: Pedersen, John Storm: ”Det indre marked – en politisk integrationsinstitution: Forventninger og muligheder.”
In The Internal Marked in EEC: A Debate on Eurotrends (1989)
1: Pedersen, John Storm:”The Internal Market and European Political and Economic Integration. Prospects and Challenges.”
In Service- og erhvervsudvikling (1988)
1: Sundbo, Jon og John Storm Pedersen: ”Serviceteknologi og servicemarkeder”.
In Service – et spil om fremtid (1987)
1: Pedersen, John Storm: ”Servicesamfund? – et spil om fremtiden!”
VI: Scientific report
1: Pedersen, John Storm & Lars Fuglsang (1992): The Baltic Region: Why Regional Cooperation Matters. Continental Europe: Science, Technology and Community Cohesion, FAST Dossier; volume 9-10, August 1992.
VII: Head of research
As Head of the Mayor’s Office; Mayor’s Department in Aalborg Municipal, Denmark I was responsible for the research report: ”Hvad skal Nordjylland leve af i år 2025?” [“What shall the Northern Part of Denmark live from in year 2025?]. The report was published in 2002 together with the County of North Jutland, NOVI and Aalborg University.
As Director of West Zealand Business Development Centre, West Zealand County, Denmark I was responsible for a research unit making research in regional development. The research unit published the following research reports:
7: Bedre Balance på det vestsjællandske arbejdsmarked – hovedresultater og anbefalinger (1997). Vestsjællands Erhvervscenter & Det Regionale Arbejdsmarkedsråd, Vestsjælland.
6: Efteruddannelse og Virksomhederne – det vestsjællandske uddannelsessystems muligheder for at imødekomme virksomhedernes efteruddannelsesbehov (1997). Vestsjællands Erhvervscenter & Det regionale Arbejdsmarkedsråd, Vestsjælland.
5: Kvalifikationsbehov og analysemetoder – en analyse af den vestsjællandske fødevareindustri (1997). Vestsjællands Erhvervscenter & Det Regionale Arbejdsmarkedsråd, Vestsjælland.
4: Det virksomhedsopsøgende arbejde i Vestsjælland – en kortlægning af indsatsen inden for arbejdsmarkeds- uddannelses- og erhvervsfremmeområdet (1996). Vestsjællands Erhvervscenter & Det Regionale Arbejdsmarkedsråd.
3: Iværksættere i Danmark og Vestsjælland (1996). Sorø: Vestsjællands Erhvervscenter
2: Vækst og udviklingsmuligheder i Vestsjælland – set med 100 vestsjællænders øjne (1996). Sorø: Vestsjællands Erhvervscenter.
1: Bosætningsanalyse – et redskab i den kommunale planlægning (1996). Sorø: Vestsjællands Erhvervscenter.
VIII: Feature articles, articles in special journals etc.
11: Pedersen, John Storm (2005): "Strukturreformens succes afhænger af de offentlige ledere". In Magasinet; 2005.
10: Pedersen, John Storm (2005): "Fra minus til plus". In Skoleledelse; no 2/2005, 9. årgang. Danmarks Skolelederforening.
9: Pedersen, John Storm (2005): "Strukturreform - og hvad så?" Kronikken i Politiken, 28/6-2005.
8: Pedersen, John Storm (2003): ”Den gamle velfærdsstat er truet af kollaps.” In dagbladet Information den 23. december 2003.
7: Pedersen, John Storm (1994): ”Nye perspektiver i Øststøtten.” In dagbladet Information den 12. januar 1994.
6: Pedersen, John Storm (1993): W jaki sposob wspieramy naszych wschodnich sasiadow i siebie samych? Lodz University; Centre of European Studies, Polen.
5: Pedersen, John Storm (1981): Flere arbejdspladser hvordan? – Sådan? In Kooperationen no. 5/1981.
4: Pedersen, John Storm (1981). ”Produktion med indbygget velfærd.” In Fagbladet no. 11, 10. juni 1981.
3: Pedersen, John Storm (1981): ”Velfærden skal indbygges i produktionen.” In dagbladet Information 24. april 1981.
2: Pedersen, John Storm (1981): ”Hønnerup-Hovgard Mostfabrik – mellem privatøkonomi og samfundsøkonomi.” In dagbladet Information 15. april 1981.
1: Arnfred, Niels og John Storm Pedersen (1980): ”Veje ud af den økonomiske klemme.” In Danske Kommuner 11/1980.
IX: ‘Articles’ based on interviews and interviews with John Storm Pedersen
15: Hjerter og Hjerner. In Kompas; Socialstyrelsen, August 2012, pp. 20-21.
14: Jeres hjerner skal kobles på jeres store hjerter. In Nyhedsbrev for ledere, Socialpædagogisk landsforbund, December 2011.
13: What makes you tich! In DAKO´s personaleblad, 2008.
12: Storm over økonomien. In Ny Holbæk Kommunes personaleblad, September 2008.
11: Og vinderen er… In Socialpædagogen no. 2, 2008.
10: Dit job med andre øjne. In ’indstik’ i Kommunalbladet no. 18 - 2007/2008.
9: Tvivl om den langsigtede holdbarhed i offentlig lean. In Økonomisk Ugebrev, den 16. april 2007.
8: FTF-lederne vil gerne skabe innovative arbejdspladser. In Resonans, den 21. marts 2007.
7: Dokumentation giver mere indflydelse. In Offentlig Ledelse, no. 2/2007.
6: Sæt fokus på at styre data. In Offentlig Ledelse, no. 1/2007
5: Kostbar viden går tabt. In Mandag Morgen, den 12. marts 2007.
4: Et hårdt surf mod nye tider. In Offentlige ledelse, december 4/2005.
3: Fremtidens kommunale borgere ved hvad de vil have. In HK-Bladet, december 2005.
2: Borgerne presser det offentlige til ændringer. In særpublikation fra Videncenter for Bevægelseshandicap, 2004
1: Fremtidens velfærdssamfund. In Mandag Morgen; den 1. september 2003.
X: Conference papers presented since April 2012
Pedersen, John Storm & Peter Aagaard (2012): How do public managers manage professionals with extensive autonomy during austerity? A Danish case of elenchus based management. Paper presented in Bergen 5-8 September 2012, EGPA´s Annual Conference; permanent study group II: Performance in public Sector.
XI: Contributions to seminars, workshop etc. in Denmark since April 2012
6: November 2012 (16/11-2012) Socialchefforeningen, Kreds Hovedstaden.
”The role of the professionals in the processes of setting up quality standards for the services”.
5: October 2012 (26/10-2012) Foreningen af familie- og børnechefer i region Hovedstaden.
”How to manage professionals in a time of economic recession?”
4: September 2012 (10/9-2012) Socialpædagogernes Generalforsamling i Esbjerg.
”From professionals to organizational employees.”
3: August 2012 (30/8-12) Workshop arranged by Local Governments Denmark.
“Management challenges regarding citizens with disability and socially disadvantaged people.”
2: May 2012 (22. Maj 2012) Landsmøde for socialpædagoger på Pejsegården.
”Evidence based production and delivery of services.”
1: April 2012 (24/4-2012) Teknisk Forvaltning i Hjørring Kommune.
”The challenges after the Structural Reform in 2007.”
Publikation: Bog/rapport › Monografi › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Kapitel i bog/rapport/konference-proceeding › Kapitel i bog › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bog/rapport › Monografi › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Kapitel i bog/rapport/konference-proceeding › Kapitel i bog › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Kapitel i bog/rapport/konference-proceeding › Kapitel i bog › Forskning › peer review
Pedersen, J. S. (Underviser)
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
Pedersen, J. S. (Peer reviewer)
Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelse › Peer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripter › Forskning
Pedersen, J. S. (Underviser)
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
Pedersen, J. S. (Underviser)
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Gæsteforelæsning, undervisning og kursusvirksomhed ved andre universiteter
Pedersen, J. S. (Underviser)
Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag › Konferenceoplæg
Pedersen, J. S. (PI)
01/02/2016 → 31/01/2019
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
1 Mediebidrag