Inger-Marie Falgren Christensen

Ph.d. i læring, design og teknologi, Master i IKT og Læring, Cand.mag i Engelsk, Kommunikation og Internationale Studier

Personlig profil


I'm especially interested in researching topics and questions such as:

  • Designing for learning in higher education: New forms of teaching and learning / engaging and motivating forms of teaching and learning such as gamification, playful learning and hackathons
  • Educational technology for higher education studies: How can we conceptualise educational technology? How can we support HE teachers in choosing and applying relevant educational technologies to support students' learning?
  • Digital competences, computational thinking and AI literacy: How do we support students in obtaining relevant digital competences for their future work life and how can we conceptualise these competences?
  • How can we support teachers and students in HE in developing a more robust approach to emerging technologies rather than the present ban versus adopt now discourse.
  • Theories of learning in a digital age. How can we conceptualise learning, knowing and being in a digital world? What roles do technologies, both analogue and digital, play? What roles do learning spaces play? How can we conceptualise the relationship between learners and technologies when the two parties come together in learning and knowledge sharing activities?


Tilknyttet forskningsprogrammet: Didaktik, design og digitalisering og Center for Learning Computational Thinking.

Ph.d. afhandling: Computing with concepts using tangible, computational tools: Developing design principles and patterns for the integration of computational thinking with computational things in humanistic subjects in higher education (en del af DEFF projektet At designe for situeret computationel thinking med computationelle ting ved professor Nina Bonderup Dohn)

Min akademiske mission statement:

I use design-based implementation research and co-design methods to study how to implement digital competences in subjects and study programs at SDU.

Recent publication: Creating Design Knowledge in Educational Innovation: Theory, Methods, and Practice


  • It og læring
  • Universitetsuddannelse


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  • 1 Lignende profiler

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