- 13 resultater
Remaking culture and music spaces. Refiguration and the limits of creation.
Woodward, I. (Deltager)
Impact: Akademisk impact
Story about and review of my book, 'Labels, Making Independent Music'
Woodward, I. (Deltager) & Bartmanski, D. (Deltager)
Impact: Akademisk impact
Public Book Launch of 'Labels. Making Independent Music', Bartmanski & Woodward
Woodward, I. (Deltager)
Impact: Kulturel impact
Editor of Special Issue, Journal of Sociology
Woodward, I. (Deltager) & Fozdar , F. (Deltager)
Impact: Akademisk impact
Research partnership and collaboration, European Festivals Association
Woodward, I. (Deltager)
Impact: Politisk impact
Keynote speaker, Global Studies Association, 'Living the Global, GSA 2015'
Woodward, I. (Deltager)
Impact: Akademisk impact