Personlig profil


Position: Professor Emeritus, Ph.D., Dr.Med.Sc.,
Department of Sport Sciences and Clinical Biomechanics, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of Southern Denmark. Campusvej 55, DK-5320 Odense,
Denmark. E-mail: [email protected], Phone: (+45) 24984063

1971 Master of Science, University of Copenhagen
1975 Major in work physiology, University of Copenhagen
1976 University gold medal award in muscle physiology
1979 Ph.D. (Water spaces and electrolyte concentrations in human skeletal muscle)
1990 Dr.Med.Sc. (Exercise-induced muscle fatigue: the significance of potassium)

1879 - 1981 Assistant professor at the University of Copenhagen
1981 - 1983 Associate professor at the University of Copenhagen
1983 - 1984 Physiologist at the National Institute of Occupational Health, Denmark
1984 - 1997 Head of Dept of Physiology, National Inst Occupational Health
1988 - 1997 Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen (part time position)
1990 Visiting professor at the University of Guelph, Canada (approx. 1 month)
1992 Visiting research fellow at the University of Michigan, USA (approx. 1 month)
1997 - 2000 Professor at the University of Southern Denmark,
Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics.
2001 - 2007 Professor at the National Institute of Occupational Health, Denmark and
Adjunct professor at the University of Southern Denmark
2008 - 2016 Professor in physiology and biomechanics at the Univ of Southern Denmark
2014 Visiting Principal Investigator at the Uniersity of Queensland, Brisbane,
Australia (approx. 1 month)
2017- Professor Emeritus, University of Southern Denmark

1997-2001 Biomedical Center, National Health Research Foundation
(Dkr. 2.002.000 of total grant to Sjøgaard/University of Southern Denmark)
1997-2001 EU Biomed II, PROCID, CA BMH4-CT98-3903 (DGXII SSMI) (Steering committee member for concerted action [DKs part 750.958 Dkr.], coordinator: prof Kadefors, Sweden)
1998-1999 Idrættens Forskningsråd (Dkr 88.000)
1998-1999 Team Danmarks Forskningsråd (Dkr 60.000)
2001-2004 NEW (Neuromuscular Assessment of the Elderly Worker), QLRT.2000139
(subcontractor for EU shared cost project
[DKs part: 151.348 Euro], coordinator: prof. Merletti, Italy [total grant: 1.309.156 Euro])
2004-2006 Danish Medical Research Council (Dkr. 1.2 mill)
2004-2006 The Danish Rheumatism Association (Dkr. 700.000)
2005-2007 Sundhedsstyrelsen (Dkr. 400.000)
2007-2010 Arbejdsmiljøforskningsfonden (Dkr. 4 mill)
2008-2011 Danish Research Council for Health and Sickness (Dkr. 700.000l)
2012 Ministry of Culture (75.000)
2012-2016 National Health & Medical Research Council, Australia (AUS$ 660.834 ~ 4mill DKK, chief investigator)
Reviewer on manuscripts for more than 20 journals, and editor/editorial board functions on 3 journals: Acta Physiologica Scandinavia, European Journal of Applied Physiology and Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. Referee for a numerous Ph.D. and doctoral theses, research positions (including professorships), grants etc. nationally and internationally. Member of 11 scientific organizations.

Supervisor for ~20 Ph.D. students, ~40 graduate students, and ~20 bachelorstudents. Supervisor for pedagogic qualification for assistant professorship. Lecturer at meetings and courses for occupational health personnel. Teacher at a large number of post graduate courses and PhD courses within medicine, ergonomics and biomechanics.

Published ~250 scientific articles and books/book chapters in international scientific journals and text books. Number of publications listed in ISI Web of Science: 220; total number of citations: 6525; average citations per item: 30; H-index: 46. Other research publications encompass 10 books/reports, 20 book chapters and 2 scientific theses. Participated in ~250 international congresses, symposia, scientific meetings, lab- visits etc. and given > 300 oral presentations, of which more than 100 were as invited lectures or key-note lectures. A number of interviews were given in magazines and radio in the area of occupational musculoskeletal health problems and worksite physical exercise training for prevention and rehabilitation.

Human exercise physiology with focus on muscle mechanics, metabolism and fatigue in relation to peak performance as well as development of work related musculoskeletal disorders. Area of interest is neuromuscular control and biomechanics, using kinematics, kinetics and electromyography including single motor unit recordings. Physiological responses to muscular work in terms of intra- and extracellular biochemical concentrations, tissue blood flow and cardiovascular activity. Additional fields of research include development of work site physical activity programs to decrease work related musculoskeletal disorders.

1. Andersen, C. H., R. H. Jensen, T. Dalager, M. K. Zebis, G. Sjøgaard, and L. L. Andersen. 2017. The Effect of Resistance Training on Headache Symptoms in Adults: Secondary analysis of a RCT. Musculoskeletal Science & Practice in press.
2. Bech, K. T., C. M. Larsen, G. Sjøgaard, A. Holtermann, J. L. Taylor, and K. Søgaard. 2017. Voluntary activation of the trapezius muscle in cases with neck/shoulder pain compared to healthy controls. J.Electromyogr.Kinesiol. 36:56-64.
3. Bourgois, J. G., J. Dumortier, M. Callewaert, B. Celie, C. Capelli, G. Sjøgaard, C. D. De, and J. Boone. 2017. Tribute to Dr Jacques Rogge: muscle activity and fatigue during hiking in Olympic dinghy sailing. Eur.J.Sport Sci. 17:611-620.
4. Dalager, T., J. B. Justesen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2017. Intelligent Physical Exercise Training (IPET) in a workplace setting improves muscle strength and musculoskeletal pain: a randomized controlled trial. Biomed Res.Int. in press.
5. Eskerod, P., J. B. Justesen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2017. Enriching project organizations with formal change agents:Health promotion projects at the workplace. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MANAGING PROJECTS IN BUSINESS 10:578-599.
6. Fredslund, G. H. and G. Sjøgaard. 2017. Muskel-skeletbesvær i tandplejen: Prævalens, forebyggelse og rehabilitering. Tandlægebladet in press.
7. Justesen, J. B., P. Eskerod, J. R. Christensen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2017. Implementing workplace health promotion - role of middle managers. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF WORKPLACE HEALTH MANAGEMENT 10:164-178.
8. Justesen, J. B., K. Søgaard, T. Dalager, J. R. Christensen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2017. The Effect of Intelligent Physical Exercise Training on Sickness Presenteeism and Absenteeism Among Office Workers. J.Occup.Environ.Med. in press.
9. Murray, M., B. Lange, B. R. Nornberg, K. Søgaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 2017. Self-administered physical exercise training as treatment of neck and shoulder pain among military helicopter pilots and crew: a randomized controlled trial. BMC.Musculoskelet.Disord. 18:147.
10. Pereira, M. J., V. Johnston, L. M. Straker, G. Sjøgaard, M. Melloh, S. P. O'Leary, and T. A. Comans. 2017. An Investigation of Self-reported Health-related Productivity Loss in Office Workers and Associations With Individual and Work-related Factors Using an Employer's Perspective. J.Occup.Environ.Med. doi:10.1097/JOM.0000000000001043 [doi].
11. Søgaard, K. and G. Sjøgaard . 2017. Physical Activity as Cause and Cure of Muscular Pain: Evidence of Underlying Mechanisms. Exerc.Sport Sci.Rev. 45:136-145. doi:10.1249/JES.0000000000000112 [doi].
12. Christensen, J. R., T. V. Bredahl, J. Hadrevi, G. Sjøgaard, and K. Sogaard. 2016. Background, design and conceptual model of the cluster randomized multiple-component workplace study: FRamed Intervention to Decrease Occupational Muscle pain - "FRIDOM". BMC.Public Health 16:1116.
13. Dalager, T., J. B. Justesen, M. Murray, E. Boyle, and G. Sjøgaard. 2016. Implementing intelligent physical exercise training at the workplace: health effects among office workers-a randomized controlled trial. Eur.J.Appl.Physiol 116:1433-1442.
14. Gram, B., K. Westgate, K. Karstad, A. Holtermann, K. Søgaard, S. Brage, and G. Sjøgaard. 2016. Occupational and leisure-time physical activity and workload among construction workers - a randomized control study. Int.J.Occup.Environ.Health 22:36-44.
15. Jay, K., M. Brandt, M. Schraefel, M. D. Jakobsen, E. Sundstrup, G. Sjøgaard, J. Vinstrup, and L. L. Andersen. 2016. Neurocognitive performance and physical function do not change with physical-cognitive-mindfulness training in female laboratory technicians with chronic musculoskeletal pain: Randomized controlled trial. Medicine (Baltimore) 95:e5554. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000005554 [doi];00005792-201612160-00017 [pii].
16. Jay, K., M. Brandt, M. D. Jakobsen, E. Sundstrup, K. G. Berthelsen, M. Schraefel, G. Sjøgaard, and L. L. Andersen . 2016. Ten weeks of physical-cognitive-mindfulness training reduces fear-avoidance beliefs about work-related activity: Randomized controlled trial. Medicine (Baltimore) 95:e3945. doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000003945 [doi];00005792-201608230-00016 [pii].
17. Murray, M., B. Lange, S. S. Chreiteh, H. B. Olsen, B. R. Nornberg, E. Boyle, K. Søgaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 2016. Neck and shoulder muscle activity and posture among helicopter pilots and crew-members during military helicopter flight. J.Electromyogr.Kinesiol. 27:10-17.
18. Sjøgaard, G., Christensen, J. R., Justesen, J. B., Murray, M., Dalager, T., Fredslund, G. H, and Søgaard, K. Exercise is more than medicine: The working age population's well-being and productivity. 2016. Journal of Sport and Health Science 5(2), 159-165.
19. Bredahl, T. V. G., C. Saervoll, L. Kirkelund, G. Sjøgaard, and L. L. Andersen. 2015. When intervention meets organization: A qualitative study of motivation and barriers to physical exercise at the workplace. Scientific World Journal 2015:ID 518561-12 pages.
20. Burich, R., S. Teljigovic, E. Boyle, and G. Sjøgaard. 2015. Aerobic training alone or combined with strength training affects fitness in elderly: Randomized trial. Eur.J.Sport Sci. 15:773-783.
21. Christensen, J. R., M. B. Kongstad, G. Sjøgaard, and K. Søgaard. 2015. Sickness Presenteeism Among Health Care Workers and the Effect of BMI, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, and Muscle Strength. J.Occup.Environ.Med. 57:e146-e152. doi:10.1097/JOM.0000000000000576 [doi];00043764-201512000-00021 [pii].
22. Dalager, T., T. G. Bredahl, M. T. Pedersen, E. Boyle, L. L. Andersen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2015. Does training frequency and supervision affect compliance, performance and muscular health? A cluster randomized controlled trial. Man.Ther. 20:657-665.
23. Jay, K., M. Brandt, K. Hansen, E. Sundstrup, M. D. Jakobsen, M. C. Schraefel, G. Sjøgaard, and L. L. Andersen. 2015. Effect of Individually Tailored Biopsychosocial Workplace Interventions on Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain and Stress Among Laboratory Technicians: Randomized Controlled Trial. Pain Physician 18:459-471.
24. Jay, K., M. K. Friborg, G. Sjøgaard, M. D. Jakobsen, E. Sundstrup, M. Brandt, and L. L. Andersen. 2015. The Consequence of Combined Pain and Stress on Work Ability in Female Laboratory Technicians: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int.J.Environ.Res.Public Health 12:15834-15842. doi:ijerph121215024 [pii];10.3390/ijerph121215024 [doi].
25. Jensen, L., L. L. Andersen, H. D. Schroder, U. Frandsen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2015. Neuronal nitric oxide synthase is dislocated in type I fibers of myalgic muscle but can recover with physical exercise training. Biomed Res.Int. 2015:265278.
26. Murray, M., B. Lange, B. R. Nornberg, K. Søgaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 2015. Specific exercise training for reducing neck and shoulder pain among military helicopter pilots and crew members: a randomized controlled trial protocol. BMC.Musculoskelet.Disord. 16:198. doi:10.1186/s12891-015-0655-6 [doi];10.1186/s12891-015-0655-6 [pii].
27. Nedergaard, H. K., H. I. Jensen, J. T. Lauridsen, G. Sjøgaard, and P. Toft. 2015. Non-sedation versus sedation with a daily wake-up trial in critically ill patients receiving mechanical ventilation-effects on physical function: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial: a substudy of the NONSEDA trial. Trials 16:310.
28. Sjøgaard, G., E. Ingles, and M. Narici. 2015. Science in sailing: Interdisciplinary perspectives in optimizing sailing performance. Eur.J Sport Sci. 15:191-194.
29. Sjøgaard, G. 2015. The August Krogh Institute: Capillaries and beyond. Scand.J.Med.Sci.Sports 25 :16-21. doi:10.1111/sms.12552 [doi].
30. Søgaard, K. and G. Sjøgaard . 2015. Physiological Bases of Work Assessment, p. 419-445. In: J. Wilson and S. Sharples (eds.), Evaluation of Human Work. 4th ed. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, London, New York.
31. Andersen, C. H., L. L. Andersen, M. K. Zebis, and G. Sjøgaard. 2014. Effect of scapular function training on chronic pain in the neck/shoulder region: a randomized controlled trial. J Occup.Rehabil. 24:316-324. doi:10.1007/s10926-013-9441-1 [doi].
32. Andersen, L. L., C. H. Andersen, J. H. Skotte, C. Suetta, K. Sogaard, B. Saltin, and G. Sjøgaard. 2014. High-Intensity Strength Training Improves Function of Chronically Painful Muscles: Case-Control and RCT Studies. Biomed Res.Int. 2014:187324. doi:10.1155/2014/187324 [doi].
33. Fredslund, G. H. and G. Sjøgaard. 2014. Specifik nakke- og skuldertræning til tandlæger, klinikassistenter og tandplejere. Tandlægebladet 118:988-995.
34. Gerdle, B., J. Kristiansen, B. Larsson, B. Saltin, K. Søgaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 2014. Algogenic substances and metabolic status in work-related Trapezius Myalgia: a multivariate explorative study. BMC.Musculoskelet.Disord. 15:357. doi:1471-2474-15-357 [pii];10.1186/1471-2474-15-357 [doi].
35. Gram, B., C. Andersen, M. K. Zebis, T. Bredahl, M. T. Pedersen, O. S. Mortensen, R. H. Jensen, L. L. Andersen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2014. Effect of training supervision on effectiveness of strength training for reducing neck/shoulder pain and headache in office workers: cluster randomized controlled trial. Biomed Res.Int. 2014:693013. doi:10.1155/2014/693013 [doi].
36. Jay, K., M. Brandt, E. Sundstrup, M. C. Schraefel, M. D. Jakobsen, G. Sjøgaard, and L. L. Andersen. 2014. Effect of individually tailored biopsychosocial workplace interventions on chronic musculoskeletal pain, stress and work ability among laboratory technicians: randomized controlled trial protocol. BMC.Musculoskelet.Disord. 15:444. doi:1471-2474-15-444 [pii];10.1186/1471-2474-15-444 [doi].
37. Johnston, V., S. O'Leary, T. Comans, L. Straker, M. Melloh, A. Khan, and G. Sjøgaard. 2014. A workplace exercise versus health promotion intervention to prevent and reduce the economic and personal burden of non-specific neck pain in office personnel: protocol of a cluster-randomised controlled trial. J Physiother. 60:233. doi:S1836-9553(14)00115-5 [pii];10.1016/j.jphys.2014.08.007 [doi].
38. Lange, B., M. Murray, S. S. Chreiteh, P. Toft, M. B. Jorgensen, K. Søgaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 2014. Postural control and shoulder steadiness in F-16 pilots: a randomized controlled study. Aviat.Space Environ.Med 85:420-425.
39. Mortensen, P., A. I. Larsen, M. K. Zebis, M. T. Pedersen, G. Sjøgaard, and L. L. Andersen. 2014. Lasting effects of workplace strength training for neck/shoulder/arm pain among laboratory technicians: natural experiment with 3-year follow-up. Biomed Res.Int. 2014: 845851. doi:10.1155/2014/845851 [doi].
40. Sjøgaard, G. 2014. Sundhed på arbejdspladsen, p. 262-279. In: Din sundhed. FADL's forlag, København.
41. Sjøgaard, G., J. B. Justesen, M. Murray, T. Dalager, and K. Søgaard. 2014. A conceptual model for worksite intelligent physical exercise training - IPET - intervention for decreasing life style health risk indicators among employees: a randomized controlled trial. BMC.Public Health 14:652-663. doi:1471-2458-14-652
42. Sjøgaard, G. 2014. Nakkesmerter kan forebygges eller reduceres ved træning på arbejdspladsen. Kiroprakteren (Juni), 6-9.
43. Sjøgaard, G. and K. Søgaard . 2014. Muscle activity pattern dependent pain development and alleviation. J Electromyogr.Kinesiol. 24:789-794.
44. Søgaard, K., H. B. Olsen, A. K. Blangsted, and G. Sjøgaard. 2014. Single motor unit firing behavior in the right trapezius muscle during rapid movement of right or left index finger. Front Hum.Neurosci. 8:881. doi:10.3389/fnhum.2014.00881 [doi].
45. Zebis, M. K., C. H. Andersen, E. Sundstrup, M. T. Pedersen, G. Sjøgaard, and L. L. Andersen. 2014. Time-wise change in neck pain in response to rehabilitation with specific resistance training: implications for exercise prescription. PLoS.One. 9:e93867. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093867 [doi];PONE-D-13-01585 [pii].
46. Andersen, C. H., L. L. Andersen, M. T. Pedersen, P. Mortensen, K. Karstad, O. S. Mortensen, M. K. Zebis, and G. Sjøgaard. 2013. Dose-response of strengthening exercise for treatment of severe neck pain in women. J Strength.Cond.Res. 27:3322-3328. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e31828f12c6 [doi].
47. Lange, B., P. Toft, C. Myburgh, and G. Sjøgaard. 2013. Effect of Targeted Strength, Endurance, and Coordination Exercise on Neck and Shoulder Pain Among Fighter Pilots: A Randomized-controlled Trial. Clin.J.Pain 29:50-59.
48. Pedersen, M. M., M. K. Zebis, H. Langberg, O. M. Poulsen, O. S. Mortensen, J. N. Jensen, G. Sjøgaard, T. Bredahl, and L. L. Andersen. 2013. Influence of self-efficacy on compliance to workplace exercise. Int.J.Behav.Med. 20:365-370. doi:10.1007/s12529-012-9239-0 [doi].
49. Pedersen, M. T., C. H. Andersen, M. K. Zebis, G. Sjøgaard, and L. L. Andersen. 2013. Implementation of specific strength training among industrial laboratory technicians: long-term effects on back, neck and upper extremity pain. BMC.Musculoskelet.Disord. 14:287. doi:1471-2474-14-287
50. Pedersen, M. T., L. L. Andersen, M. B. Jorgensen, K. Søgaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 2013. Effect of specific resistance training on musculoskeletal pain symptoms: dose-response relationship. J.Strength.Cond.Res. 27:229-235.
51. Roessler, K. K., R. Rugulies, R. Bilberg, L. L. Andersen, M. K. Zebis, and G. Sjøgaard. 2013. Does work-site physical activity improve self-reported psychosocial workplace factors and job satisfaction? A randomized controlled intervention study. Int.Arch.Occup.Environ.Health 86:861-864. doi:10.1007/s00420-012-0823-z [doi].
52. Sjøgaard, G., Zebis MK, K. Kiilirich, B. Saltin, and H. Pilegaard. 2013. Exercise Training and Work Task Induced Metabolic and Stress-Related mRNA and Protein Responses in Myalgic Muscles. BioMed Research International Article ID 984523, 12 pages .
53. Andersen, C. H., M. K. Zebis, C. Saervoll, E. Sundstrup, M. D. Jakobsen, G. Sjøgaard, and L. L. Andersen. 2012. Scapular muscle activity from selected strengthening exercises performed at low and high intensity. J.Strength.Cond.Res. 26:2408-2416.
54. Andersen, C. H., L. L. Andersen, B. Gram, M. T. Pedersen, O. S. Mortensen, M. K. Zebis, and G. Sjøgaard. 2012. Influence of frequency and duration of strength training for effective management of neck and shoulder pain: a randomised controlled trial. Br.J.Sports Med. 46:1004-1010.
55. Andersen, L. L., M. D. Jakobsen, M. T. Pedersen, O. S. Mortensen, G. Sjøgaard, and M. K. Zebis. 2012. Effect of specific resistance training on forearm pain and work disability in industrial technicians: cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open. 2:e000412.
56. Gram, B., A. Holtermann, U. Bultmann, G. Sjøgaard, and K. Søgaard. 2012. Does an Exercise Intervention Improving Aerobic Capacity Among Construction Workers Also Improve Musculoskeletal Pain, Work Ability, Productivity, Perceived Physical Exertion, and Sick Leave? A Randomized Controlled Trial. J.Occup.Environ.Med. 54:1520-1526.
57. Gram, B., A. Holtermann, K. Søgaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 2012. Effect of individualized worksite exercise training on aerobic capacity and muscle strength among construction workers - a randomized controlled intervention study. Scand.J.Work Environ.Health 38:467-475.
58. Holtermann, A., J. V. Hansen, H. Burr, K. Søgaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 2012. The health paradox of occupational and leisure-time physical activity. Br.J.Sports Med. 46:291-295.
59. Sjøgaard, G. and K. Søgaard . 2012. Myalgia, Chronic, p. 613-616. In: F. C. Mooren (ed.), Encyclopedia of Exercise Medicine in Health and Disease. Springer.
60. Søgaard, K., A. K. Blangsted, P. K. Nielsen, L. Hansen, L. L. Andersen, P. Vedsted, and G. Sjøgaard. 2012. Changed activation, oxygenation, and pain response of chronically painful muscles to repetitive work after training interventions: a randomized controlled trial. Eur.J.Appl.Physiol 112:173-181.
61. Andersen, C. H., L. L. Andersen, O. S. Mortensen, M. K. Zebis, and G. Sjøgaard. 2011. Protocol for Shoulder function training reducing musculoskeletal pain in shoulder and neck: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet.Disord. 12:14.
62. Jorgensen, M. B., J. Ektor-Andersen, G. Sjøgaard, A. Holtermann, and K. Søgaard. 2011. A randomised controlled trial among cleaners--effects on strength, balance and kinesiophobia. BMC Public Health 11:776.
63. Jorgensen, M. B., J. H. Skotte, A. Holtermann, G. Sjøgaard, N. C. Petersen, and K. Søgaard. 2011. Neck pain and postural balance among workers with high postural demands - a cross-sectional study. BMC Musculoskelet.Disord. 12:176.
64. Juul-Kristensen, B., K. Hilt, F. Enoch, L. Remvig, and G. Sjøgaard. 2011. Scapular dyskinesis in trapezius myalgia and intraexaminer reproducibility of clinical tests. Physiother.Theory.Pract. 27:492-502.
65. Mackey, A. L., L. L. Andersen, U. Frandsen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2011. Strength training increases the size of the satellite cell pool in type I and II fibres of chronically painful trapezius muscle in females. J.Physiol 589:5503-5515.
66. Sjøgaard, G. and M. Kjær. 2011. Muskuloskeletale arbejds- og idrætsskader, p. 257-278. In: B. Danneskiold-Samsoe, H. Lund, and E. Ejlersen Wæhrens (eds.), Klinisk Reumatologi. 2 ed. Munksgård, København, Danmark.
67. Vedsted, P., K. Søgaard, A. K. Blangsted, P. Madeleine, and G. Sjøgaard. 2011. Biofeedback effectiveness to reduce upper limb muscle activity during computer work is muscle specific and time pressure dependent. J.Electromyogr.Kinesiol. 21:49-58.
68. Zebis, M. K., L. L. Andersen, M. T. Pedersen, P. Mortensen, C. H. Andersen, M. M. Pedersen, M. Boysen, K. K. Roessler, H. Hannerz, O. S. Mortensen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2011. Implementation of neck/shoulder exercises for pain relief among industrial workers: a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet.Disord. 12:205.
69. Andersen, L. L., M. K. Zebis, M. T. Pedersen, K. K. Roessler, C. H. Andersen, M. M. Pedersen, H. Feveile, O. S. Mortensen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2010. Protocol for Work place adjusted Intelligent physical exercise reducing Musculoskeletal pain in Shoulder and neck (VIMS): a cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet.Disord. 11:173.
70. Andersen, L. L., K. B. Christensen, A. Holtermann, O. M. Poulsen, G. Sjøgaard, M. T. Pedersen, and E. A. Hansen. 2010. Effect of physical exercise interventions on musculoskeletal pain in all body regions among office workers: A one-year randomized controlled trial. Man.Ther. 15:100-104.
71. Andersen, L. L., A. K. Blangsted, P. K. Nielsen, L. Hansen, P. Vedsted, G. Sjøgaard, and K. Søgaard. 2010. Effect of cycling on oxygenation of relaxed neck/shoulder muscles in women with and without chronic pain. Eur.J.Appl.Physiol 110:389-394.
72. Hansen, A. M., A. K. Blangsted, E. A. Hansen, K. Søgaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 2010. Physical activity, job demand-control, perceived stress-energy, and salivary cortisol in white-collar workers. Int.Arch.Occup.Environ.Health 83:143-153.
73. Holtermann, A., M. B. Jorgensen, B. Gram, J. R. Christensen, A. Faber, K. Overgaard, J. Ektor-Andersen, O. S. Mortensen, G. Sjøgaard, and K. Søgaard. 2010. Worksite interventions for preventing physical deterioration among employees in job-groups with high physical work demands: background, design and conceptual model of FINALE. BMC.Public Health 10:120.
74. Mackey, A. L., L. L. Andersen, U. Frandsen, C. Suetta, and G. Sjøgaard. 2010. Distribution of myogenic progenitor cells and myonuclei is altered in women with vs. those without chronically painful trapezius muscle. J.Appl.Physiol 109:1920-1929.
75. Nielsen, P. K., L. L. Andersen, H. B. Olsen, L. Rosendal, G. Sjøgaard, and K. Søgaard. 2010. Effect of physical training on pain sensitivity and trapezius muscle morphology. Muscle Nerve 41:836-844.
76. Sjøgaard, G., L. Rosendal, J. Kristiansen, A. K. Blangsted, J. Skotte, B. Larsson, B. Gerdle, B. Saltin, and K. Søgaard. 2010. Muscle oxygenation and glycolysis in females with trapezius myalgia during stress and repetitive work using microdialysis and NIRS. Eur.J.Appl.Physiol 108:657-669.
77. Sjøgaard, G. 2010. Arbejdspladsen som arena for fysisk aktivitet, p. 17-21. In: Fysisk aktivitet for sundhed. Kulturministeriets Udvalg for Idrætsforskning, København.
78. Takala, E. P., I. Pehkonen, M. Forsman, G. A. Hansson, S. E. Mathiassen, W. P. Neumann, G. Sjøgaard, K. B. Veiersted, R. H. Westgaard, and J. Winkel. 2010. Systematic evaluation of observational methods assessing biomechanical exposures at work. Scand.J.Work Environ.Health 36:3-24.
79. Andersen, L. L., J. L. Andersen, C. Suetta, M. Kjaer, K. Søgaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 2009. Effect of contrasting physical exercise interventions on rapid force capacity of chronically painful muscles. J.Appl.Physiol 107:1413-1419.
80. Holtermann, A., K. Roeleveld, P. J. Mork, C. Gronlund, J. S. Karlsson, L. L. Andersen, H. B. Olsen, M. K. Zebis, G. Sjøgaard, and K. Søgaard. 2009. Selective activation of neuromuscular compartments within the human trapezius muscle. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 19:896-902.
81. Larsman, P., S. Thorn, K. Søgaard, L. Sandsjö, G. Sjøgaard, and R. Kadefors. 2009. Work related perceived stress and muscle activity during standardized computer work among female computer users. Work 32:189-199.
82. Pedersen, M. T., A. K. Blangsted, L. L. Andersen, M. B. Jorgensen, E. A. Hansen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2009. The Effect of Worksite Physical Activity Intervention on Physical Capacity, Health, and Productivity: A 1-Year Randomized Controlled Trial. J Occup.Environ.Med. 51:759-770.
83. Taylor, J. L., H. B. Olsen, G. Sjøgaard, and K. Søgaard. 2009. Voluntary activation of trapezius measured with twitch interpolation. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 19:584-590.
84. Andersen, L. L., M. B. Jørgensen, A. K. Blangsted, M. T. Pedersen, E. A. Hansen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2008. A randomized controlled intervention trial to relieve and prevent neck/shoulder pain. Med.Sci.Sports Exerc. 40:983-990.
85. Andersen, L. L., A. Holtermann, M. B. Jørgensen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2008. Rapid muscle activation and force capacity in conditions of chronic musculoskeletal pain. Clin.Biomech (Bristol., Avon.) 23:1237-42.
86. Andersen, L. L., C. Suetta, J. L. Andersen, M. Kjær, and G. Sjøgaard. 2008. Increased proportion of megafibres in chronically painful muscles. Pain 139:588-593.
87. Andersen, L. L., M. Kjaer, K. Søgaard, L. Hansen, A. Kryger, and G. Sjøgaard. 2008. Effect of two contrasting types of physical exercises on chronic neck muscle pain. Arthritis Rheum 59:84-91.
88. Andersen, L. L., C. H. Andersen, M. K. Zebis, P. K. Nielsen, K. Søgaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 2008. Effect of physical training on function of chronically painful muscles: A randomized controlled trial. J Appl.Physiol 105:1796-1801.
89. Andersen, L. L., P. K. Nielsen, K. Søgaard, C. H. Andersen, J. Skotte, and G. Sjøgaard. 2008. Torque-EMG-velocity relationship in females workers with neck muscle pain. J Biomech 41:2029-2035.
90. Andersen, L. L., M. Kjaer, K. Søgaard, L. Hansen, A. I. Kryger, and G. Sjøgaard. 2008. Specifik styrketræning mindsker kroniske nakke/skulder muskelsmerter (sekundær publikation). Ugeskr Laeger 170:3036-3038.
91. Andersen, L. L., M. Kjaer, H. C. Andersen, P. B. Hansen, Zebis MK, K. Hansen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2008. Muscle activation during selected strength exercises in women with chronic neck muscle pain. Phys Ther 88:703-711.
92. Blangsted, A. K., K. Søgaard, E. A. Hansen, H. Hannerz, and G. Sjøgaard. 2008. One-year randomized controlled trail with different physical-activity programs to reduce musculoskeletal symptoms in the neck and shoulders among office workers. Scand J Work Environ Health 34:55-65.
93. Larsson, B., L. Rosendal, J. Kristiansen, G. Sjøgaard, K. Søgaard, B. Ghafouri, A. Abdiu, M. Kjaer, and B. Gerdle. 2008. Responses of algesic and metabolic substances to 8h of repetitive manual work in myalgic human trapezius muscle. Pain 140:479-490.
94. Sjøgaard, G. and A. K. Blangsted. 2008. Worksite physical intervention among tax office employees, p. 92-95. In: Z. Podniece and T. N. Taylor (eds.), Work-related musculoskeletal disorders: prevention report. European Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Luxembourg.
95. Hansen, E. A. and G. Sjøgaard. 2007. Relationship between efficiency and pedal rate in cycling: significance of internal power and muscle fiber type composition. Scand.J Med.Sci.Sports 17:408-414.
96. Laursen, L. H., G. Sjøgaard, C.-G. Hagert, and J. R. Jepsen. 2007. Diagnostic distribution of non-traumatic upper limb disorders: Vibrotactile sense in the evaluation of structured examination for optimal diagnostic criteria. La Medicina del Lavoro 98:127-144.
97. Skotte, J. H., J. K. Nøjgaard, Jørgensen L.V., K. B. Christensen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2007. Eye blink frequency during different computer tasks quantified by electrooculography. Eur J Appl Physiol 99:113-119.
98. Thorn, S., K. Søgaard, L. A. C. Kallenberg, L. Sandsjö, G. Sjøgaard, H. J. Hermens, R. Kadefors, and M. Forsman. 2007. Trapezius muscle rest time during standardised computer work - A comparison of elderly female computer users with and without self-reported neck/shoulder complaints. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 17:420-414.
99. Juul-Kristensen, B., R. Kadefors, K. Hansen, P. Byström, L. Sandsjö, and G. Sjøgaard. 2006. Clinical signs and physical function in neck and upper extremities among elderly female computer users: the NEW-study. Eur J Appl Physiol 96:136-145.
100. Laursen, L. H., J. R. Jepsen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2006. Vibrotactile sense in patients with different upper limb disorders compared with a control group. Int Arch Occup Environ Health 79:593-601.
101. Läubli, T., H. Hermens, and G. Sjøgaard. 2006. Neuromuscular assessment of the elderly worker, NEW: a multidisciplinary European research project. Eur J Appl Physiol 96:107-109.
102. Madeleine, P., P. Vedsted, A. K. Blangsted, G. Sjøgaard, and K. Søgaard. 2006. Effects of electromyographic and mechanomyographic biofeedback on upper trapezius muscle activity during standardized computer work. Ergonomics 49:921-933.
103. Sjøgaard, G., K. Søgaard, H. J. Hermens, L. Sandsjö, T. Läubli, S. Thorn, M. M. R. Vollenbroek-Hutten, L. Sell, H. Christensen, A. Klipstein, R. Kadefors, and R. Merletti. 2006. Neuromuscular assessment in elderly workers with and without work related shoulder/neck trouble: the NEW-study design and physiological findings. European Journal of Applied Physiology 96:110-121.
104. Sjøgaard, G. 2006. Forebyggelse og håndtering af lænderygbesvær. Ugeskr Læger 168:2649-2651.
105. Sjøgaard, G. and B. R. Jensen . 2006. Low-Level Static Exertions, p. 14-1-14-13. In: William S Marras and Waldemar Karwowski (eds.), Fundamentals and Assessment Tools for Occupational Ergonomics. 2nd ed. Taylor&Francis, CRC press, Boca Raton, FL 33487/USA.
106. Søgaard, K., C. Orizio, and G. Sjøgaard. 2006. Surface mechanomyogram amplitude is not attenuated by intramuscular pressure. Eur.J Appl.Physiol 96:178-184.
107. Vedsted, P., A. K. Blangsted, K. Søgaard, C. Orizio, and G. Sjøgaard. 2006. Muscle tissue oxygenation, pressure, electrical, and mechanical responses during dynamic and static voluntary contractions. Eur J Appl Physiol 96:165-177.
108. Blangsted, A. K., G. Sjøgaard, P. Madeleine, H. B. Olsen, and K. Søgaard. 2005. Voluntary low-force contraction elicits prolonged low-frequency fatigue and changes in surface electromyography and mechanomyography. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 15:138-148.
109. Blangsted, A. K., P. Vedsted, G. Sjøgaard, and K. Søgaard. 2005. Intramuscular pressure and tissue oxygenation during low-force static contraction do not underlie muscle fatigue. Acta Physiol Scand 2005:379-388.
110. Cairns, S. P., A. Knicker, M. W. Thompson, and G. Sjøgaard. 2005. Evaluation of models used to study neuromuscular fatigue. Exerc Sport Sci Rev 33:9-16.
111. Nielsen, P. K., Sjøgaard, G., Bengtsen, E., and Wolkoff, P. The influence of major monitor factors on eye irritation related symptoms during PC work - a literature review. Proceedings: Indoor Air 2005 5, 3782-3786. 2005.
Ref Type: Conference Proceeding
112. Rosendal, L., K. Søgaard, M. Kjær, G. Sjøgaard, H. Langberg, and J. Kristiansen. 2005. Increase in interstitial interleukin-6 of human skeletal muscle with repetitive low-force exercise. J Appl Physiol 98:477-481.
113. Blangsted, A. K., K. Søgaard, H. Christensen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2004. The effect of physical and psychosocial loads on the trapezius muscle activity during computer keying tasks and rest periods. Eur J Appl Physiol 91:253-258.
114. Hansen, E. A., Jørgensen L.V., and G. Sjøgaard. 2004. A physiological counterpoint to mechanistic estimates of "internal power" during cycling at different pedal rates. Eur J Appl Physiol 2004:435-442.
115. Merletti, R., F. Benvenuti, C. Doncarli, C. Disselhorst-Klug, R. Ferrabone, H. Hermens, R. Kadefors, T. Laubli, C. Orizio, G. Sjøgaard, and D. Zazula. 2004. The European project 'Neuromuscular assessment in the elderly worker' (NEW): achievements in electromyogram signal acquisition, modelling and processing. Med Biol Eng Comput 42:429-431.
116. Nielsen, J. S., E. A. Hansen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2004. Pedalling rate affects endurance perfomance during high intensity cycling. Eur J Appl Physiol 2004:114-120.
117. Rosendal, L., A. K. Blangsted, J. Kristiansen, K. Søgaard, H. Langberg, G. Sjøgaard, and M. Kjær. 2004. Interstitial muscle lactate, pyruvate, and potassium dynamics in the trapezius muscle during repetitive low-force contractions, measured with microdialysis. Acta Physiol Scand 2004:379-388.
118. Sjøgaard, G., B. R. Jensen, A. R. Hargens, and K. Søgaard. 2004. Intramuscular pressure and EMG relate during static contractions but dissociate with movement and fatigue. J Appl Physiol 96:1522-1529.
119. Laursen, B., K. Søgaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 2003. Biomechanical model predicting electromyographic activity in three shoulder muscles from 3D kinematics and external forces during cleaning work. Clin Biomech 18:287-295.
120. Pedersen, M. T., Birch, L., and Sjøgaard, G. 2003. Ondt i kroppen af at arbejde. Krop & Fysik (4), 36-37. Skjern, PRO-F A.m.b.a., Krop & Fysik.
121. Pedersen, M. T., Birch, L., and Sjøgaard, G. 2003. Fysisk træning kan forebygge og midske arbejdsrelateret bevægeapparatsbesvær. Krop & Fysik 2003(4). PRO-F A.m.b.a. Krop&Fysik.
122. Sjøgaard, G. 2003. Sektorforskningsinstitutternes rolle i forskningen. Ugeskr Læger 164:350-351.
123. Søgaard, K., A. K. Blangsted, L. V. Jørgensen, P. Madeleine, and G. Sjøgaard. 2003. Evidence of long term muscle fatigue following prolonged intermittent contractions based on mechano- and electromyograms. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 13:441-450.
124. Vedsted, P., A. H. Larsen, K. Madsen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2003. Muscle performance following fatigue induced by isotonic and quasi-isometric contractions of rat extensor digitorum longus and soleus muscles in vitro. Acta Physiol Scand 178:175-186.
125. Bajaj, P., P. Madeleine, G. Sjøgaard, and L. Arendt-Nielsen. 2002. Assessment of post-exercise muscle soreness by electromyography and mechanomyography. Journal of Pain 3:126-136.
126. Hansen, E. A., J. L. Andersen, J. S. Nielsen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2002. Muscle fibre type, efficiency, and mechanical optima affect freely chosen pedal rate during cycling. Acta Physiol Scand 176:185-194.
127. Hansen, E. A., L. V. Jørgensen, K. Jensen, B. J. Fregly, and G. Sjøgaard. 2002. Crank inertial load affects freely chosen pedal rate during cycling. J Biomech 35:277-285.
128. Kadefors, R., H. Christensen, G. Sjøgaard, R. Colombo, R. Merletti, A. Vallbo, U. Lundberg, P. Herberts, T. Laubli, G. S. Moschytz, and A. Klipstein. 2002. PROCID recommendations for healthier computer work - Recommendations. Work & Stress 16:91-93.
129. Madeleine, P., L. V. Jørgensen, K. Søgaard, L. Arendt-Nielsen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2002. Development of muscle fatigue as assessed by electromyography and mechanomyography during continuous and intermittent low-force contractions: effect of the feedback mode. Eur J Appl Physiol 87:28-37.
130. Sjøgaard, G., E. A. Hansen, and T. Osada. 2002. Blood flow and oxygen uptake increase with total power during five different knee-extension contraction rates. J Appl Physiol 93:1676-1684.
131. Hansen, S., T. Kvorning, M. Kjær, and G. Sjøgaard. 2001. The effect of short-term strength training on human skeletal muscle: the importance of physiologically elevated hormone levels. Scand J Med Sci Sports 11:347-354.
132. Kadefors, R. and G. Sjøgaard. 2001. Editorial. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 11:149.
133. Sjøgaard, G., Søgaard, K., and Christensen, H. Skuldre og arme lider under computerarbejde. Læge-Helse 10, 8-10. 2001.
Ref Type: Magazine Article
134. Sjøgaard, G., K. Søgaard, L. Finsen, H. B. Olsen, and H. Christensen. 2001. Doublets in motor unit activity of human forearm muscle during simulated computer work. Acta Physiol Pharmacol Bulg 26:83-85.
135. Søgaard, K., B. Laursen, B. R. Jensen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2001. Dynamic loads on the upper extremities during two different floor cleaning methods. Clin Biomech 16:866-879.
136. Søgaard, K., G. Sjøgaard, L. Finsen, H. B. Olsen, and H. Christensen. 2001. Motor unit activity during stereotyped finger tasks and computer mouse work. J Electromyogr Kinesiol 11:197-206.
137. Jensen, B. R., B. Laursen, and G. Sjøgaard. 2000. Aspects of shoulder function in relation to exposure demands and fatigue - a mini review. Clin Biomech 15 (Suppl 1) :S17-S20.
138. Jensen, B. R., M. Pilegaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 2000. Motor unit recruitment and rate coding in response to fatiguing shoulder abductions and subsequent recovery. Eur J Appl Physiol 83:190-199.
139. Laursen, B., D. Ekner, E. B. Simonsen, M. Voigt, and G. Sjøgaard. 2000. Kinetics and energetics during uphill and downhill carrying of different weights. Applied Ergonomics 31:159-166.
140. Pilegaard, M., B. R. Jensen, G. Sjøgaard, and K. Søgaard. 2000. Consistency of motor-unit identification during force-varying static contractions. Eur J Appl Physiol 83:231-234.
141. Sejersted, O. M. and G. Sjøgaard. 2000. Dynamics and consequences of potassium shifts in skeletal muscle and heart during exercise. Physiol Rev 80:1411-1481.
142. Sjøgaard, G., L. V. Jørgensen, D. Ekner, and K. Søgaard. 2000. Muscle involvement during intermittent contraction patterns with different target force feedback modes. Clin Biomech 15 (Suppl 1):S25-S29.
143. Sjøgaard, G., U. Lundberg, and R. Kadefors. 2000. The role of muscle activity and mental load in the development of pain and degenerative processes at the muscle cell level during computer work. Eur J Appl Physiol 83:99-105.
144. Ørtenblad, N., G. Sjøgaard, and K. Madsen. 2000. Impaired sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ release following fatiguing stimulation in rat muscle. J Appl Physiol 89:210-217.
145. Armstrong, T., C. Bir, J. Foulke, B. Martin, L. Finsen, and G. Sjøgaard. 1999. Muscle responses to simulated torque reactions of hand-held power tools. Ergonomics 42 :146-159.
146. Christensen, H., G. Sjøgaard, and (eds). 1999. Procid Symposium. Muscular disorders in computer users: Mechanisms and models. National Institute of Occupational Health, Copenhagen.
147. Jensen, C., B. Laursen, and G. Sjøgaard. 1999. Shoulder and neck, p. 201-220. In: S. Kumar (ed.), Biomechanics in Ergonomics. Taylor & Francis, London Philadelphia.
148. Sjøgaard, G. and B. R. Jensen . 1999. Low-level static exertions, p. 247-259. In: W. Karwowski and W. S. Marras (eds.), The occupational ergonomics handbook. CRC Press LLC, Florida.
149. Sjøgaard, G. and (ed). 1999. Sailing & Science -in an Interdisciplinary Perspective. Institute of Exercise and Sport Science, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen.
150. Sjøgaard, G. 1999. Biomekanik inden for idræt og sundhedsvidenskab. Ugeskr Læger 161:4616-4619.
151. Sjøgaard, G. 1999. Health Scientists at University of Southern Denmark. Kerteminde Tryk, Odense.
152. Fallentin, N., T. Skov, and G. Sjøgaard. 1998. Ergonomiske påvirkninger, p. 186-201. In: E. Olsen (ed.), Basisbog. Risikovurdering i arbejdsmiljøet. Risiko ved langtidsudsættelse. Arbejdsmiljøinstituttet, København.
153. Laursen, B., B. R. Jensen, and G. Sjøgaard. 1998. Shoulder muscle EMG during repetitive work tasks with varying speed and precision demands, p. 210-213. In: S. Kumar (ed.), Advances in Occupational Ergonomics and Safety 2.Proceedings of the XIIIth Annual International Occpational Ergonomics and Safety Conference. IOS Press, Amsterdam.
154. Laursen, B., B. R. Jensen, and G. Sjøgaard. 1998. Effect of speed and precision demands on human shoulder muscle electromyography during a repetitive task. Eur J Appl Physiol 78:544-548.
155. Laursen, B., B. R. Jensen, G. Németh, and G. Sjøgaard. 1998. A model predicting individual shoulder muscle forces based on relationship between EMG and 3D external forces in static position. J Biomech 31:731-739.
156. Simonsen, L., V. Borg, N. Fallentin, L. E. Knudsen, T. Skov, and G. Sjøgaard. 1998. Farlighed, p. 28-43. In: E. Olsen (ed.), Basisbog. Risikovurdering i arbejdsmiljøet. Risiko ved langtidsudsættelse. Arbejdsmiljøinstituttet, København.
157. Sjøgaard, G. and K. Søgaard. 1998. Muscle injury in repetitive motion disorders. Clin Orthop21-31.
158. Søgaard, K., H. Christensen, N. Fallentin, M. Mizuno, B. Quistorff, and G. Sjøgaard. 1998. Motor unit activation patterns during concentric wrist flexion in humans with different muscle fibre compositions. Eur J Appl Physiol 78:411-416.
159. Laursen, B., B. R. Jensen, and G. Sjøgaard. 1997. Shoulder muscle force predictions - comparison of two models, p. 71-75. In: H. E. J. Veeger, F. C. T. van der Helm, and P. M. Rozing (eds.), Proceedings of the first conference of the international shoulder group. Shaker Publishing B.V., Maastricht.
160. Sjøgaard, G. 1997. Intramuscular pressure may prevent delayed onset muscular soreness. Theoretical considerations based on de novo biomechanical modelling, p. 37-44. In: P. Capodaglio and G. Bazzini (eds.), Advances in occupational medicine & rehabilitation. Activities of the upper limbs: aspects of occupational and rehabilitation medicine., vol. 3(1). Le Collane della Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, Pavia, Italy.
161. Sjøgaard, G., K. Søgaard, H. Christensen, and B. Schibye. 1997. Activities of the upper limbs: Biomechanical, metabolic and neurophysiological aspects, p. 13-19. In: P. Capodaglio and G. Bazzini (eds.), Advances in Occupational Medicine & Rehabilitation. Activities of the upper limbs: Aspects of occupational and rehabilitation medicine., vol. 3(1). Le Collane della Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri, Pavia, Italy.
162. Sjøgaard, G. 1997. Muscles, p. 6.2-6.4. In: H. Riihimäki and E. Viikari-Juntura (eds.), ILO Encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety. 4 ed., vol. 1. International Labor Office, Geneva.
163. Sjøgaard, G. and B. R. Jensen . 1997. Muscle pathology with overuse, p. 17-40. In: D. Ranney (ed.), Chronic musculoskeletal injuries in the workplace. W.B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia, USA.
164. Armstrong, T., P. Buckle, L. Fine, M. Hagberg, M. H. Sweeney, A. Kilbom, T. Laubli, L. Punnett, G. Sjøgaard, E. Viikari-Juntura, and B. Silverstein. 1996. Can some upper extremity disorders be defined as work-related? J Hand Surg [Am] 21:727-729.
165. Jensen, B. R., B. Laursen, M. Pilegaard, K. Søgaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 1996. Electromyography and biomechanical modelling give unique information regarding evaluation of shoulder load, p. 517-522. In: A. Mital, H. Krueger, S. Kumar, M. Menozzi, and J. E. Fernandez (eds.), Advances in occupational ergonomics and safety I., vol. 1. International Society for Occupational Ergonomics and Safety, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
166. Jensen, B. R., M. Pilegaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 1996. Skuldermusklernes neuromuskulære reaktioner på udtrætning. Delundersøgelse 2, p. 33-47. In: B. R. Jensen (ed.), Musklernes aktiveringsmønster ved ensidigt gentaget arbejde. Arbejdsmiljøfondet, København.
167. Kilbom, Å., T. Armstrong, P. Buckle, L. Fine, M. Hagberg, M. Haring-Sweeney, B. Martin, L. Punnett, B. Silverstein, G. Sjøgaard, T. Theorell, and E. Viikari-Juntura. 1996. Musculoskeletal disorders: Work-related risk factors and prevention. Int J Occup Environ Health 2:239-246.
168. Sjøgaard, G. and N. Fallentin . 1996. Exposure assessment in repetitive monotonous jobs: Danish national strategies for preventing work-related musculoskeletal disorders, p. 73-81. In: Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz. Tagungsbericht 10. Problems and progress in assessing physical load and musculoskeletal disorders. Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz, Dortmund.
169. Sjøgaard, G., N. Fallentin, and (eds). 1996. Risk assessment for musculoskeletal disorders. Nordic Satellite Symposium under the auspices of ICOH '96. National Institute of Occupational Health, Copenhagen, Denmark.
170. Sjøgaard, G. 1996. Potassium and fatigue: the pros and cons. Acta Physiol Scand 156:257-264.
171. Søgaard, K., H. Christensen, B. R. Jensen, L. Finsen, and G. Sjøgaard. 1996. Motor control and kinetics during low level concentric and eccentric contractions in man. Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol. 101:453-460.
172. Søgaard, K., L. Birch, M. Pilegaard, G. Sjøgaard, and H. Christensen. 1996. Laboratorieundersøgelser, p. 67-98. In: H. Christensen (ed.), Udbeningsarbejde i svineslagterier. 1 ed. Arbejdsmiljøinstituttet, København.
173. Søgaard, K., B. R. Jensen, H. Christensen, L. Finsen, and G. Sjøgaard. 1996. Motoriske enheders aktivitetsmønster under statiske og dynamiske kontraktioner. Delundersøgelse 1, p. 15-28. In: B. R. Jensen (ed.), Musklernes aktiveringsmønster ved ensidigt gentaget arbejde. Arbejdsmiljøfondet, København.
174. Christensen, H., M. B. Pedersen, and G. Sjøgaard. 1995. A national cross sectional study in the Danish wood and furniture industry on working postures and manual material handling. Ergonomics 38:793-805.
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176. Jensen, B. R., G. Sjøgaard, S. Bornmyr, M. Arborelius, and K. Jørgensen. 1995. Intramuscular laser-Doppler flowmetry in the supraspinatus muscle during isometric contractions. Eur J Appl Physiol 71:373-378.
177. Jensen, B. R., K. Jørgensen, P. A. Huijing, and G. Sjøgaard. 1995. Soft tissue architecture and intramuscular pressure in the shoulder region. Eur J Morphol 33:205-220.
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179. Schibye, B., T. Skov, D. Ekner, J. U. Christiansen, and G. Sjøgaard. 1995. Musculoskeletal symptoms among sewing machine operators. Scand J Work Environ Health 21:427-434.
180. Simonsen, E. B., P. Dyhre-Poulsen, M. Voigt, P. Aagaard, G. Sjøgaard, and F. Bojsen-Møller. 1995. Bone-on-bone forces during loaded and unloaded walking. Acta Anat (Basel) 152:133-142.
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183. Sjøgaard, G. 1995. Strategier til forebyggelse af arbejdsrelateret bevægeapparatsbesvær, p. 149-162. In: G. Sjøgaard (ed.), Basisbog i arbejdsfysiologi bind II. 1 ed. Arbejdsmiljøinstituttet, København.
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185. Sjøgaard, G., O. M. Sejersted, J. Winkel, J. Smolander, K. Jørgensen, and R. Westgaard. 1995. Exposure assessment and mechanisms of pathogenesis in work-related musculoskeletal disorders: Significant aspects in the documentation of risk factors, p. 75-87. In: O. Svane and C. Johansen (eds.), Work and health. Scientific basis of progress in the working environment. European Commission, Directorate-General V, Luxembourg.
186. Sjøgaard, G. and (ed). 1995. Basisbog i arbejdsfysiologi, bind I. Arbejdsmiljøinstituttet, København.
187. Andersen, J. H., N. Fallentin, and G. Sjøgaard. 1994. Notat om EGA's helbredskadelige effekt, p. 1-8. In: Kroniske skulder-/nakkesmerter hos syersker. En epidemiologisk, klinisk undersøgelse. Institut for Epidemiologi og Socialmedicin, Aarhus Universitet, Århus.
188. Jensen, B. R., K. Jørgensen, and G. Sjøgaard. 1994. The effect of prolonged isometric contractions on muscle fluid balance. Eur J Appl Physiol 69:439-444.
189. Armstrong, T. J., P. Buckle, L. J. Fine, M. Hagberg, B. Jonsson, Å. Kilbom, I. A. A. Kuorinka, B. A. Silverstein, G. Sjøgaard, and E. R. A. Viikari-Juntura. 1993. A conceptual model for work-related neck and upper-limb musculoskeletal disorders. Scand J Work Environ Health 19:73-84.
190. Hagberg, M., Å. Kilbom, P. Buckle, L. J. Fine, T. Itani, T. Läubli, H. Riihimäki, B. Silverstein, G. Sjøgaard, S. H. Snook, and E. Viikari-Juntura. 1993. Strategies for prevention of work-related musculoskeletal disorders: Consensus paper. Int J Ind Erg 11:77-81.
191. Hagberg, M., Å. Kilbom, P. Buckle, L. J. Fine, T. Itani, T. Läubli, H. Riihimäki, B. Silverstein, G. Sjøgaard, S. H. Snook, and E. Viikari-Juntura. 1993. Strategies for prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. Forskning & Praktik om arbetsmiljö 2:6-11.
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193. Hagberg, M., Å. Kilbom, P. Buckle, L. J. Fine, T. Itani, T. Läubli, H. Riihimäki, B. Silverstein, G. Sjøgaard, S. H. Snook, and E. Viikari-Juntura. 1993. Strategier mot arbetsskador i muskler, leder och skelett. Forskning & Praktik om arbetsmiljö 2:6-11.
194. Hagberg, M., Å. Kilbom, P. Buckle, L. J. Fine, T. Itani, T. Läubli, H. Riihimäki, B. Silverstein, G. Sjøgaard, S. H. Snook, E. Viikari-Juntura, and S. Kolare. 1993. Strategier för att förebygga arbetsrelaterade skador i muskler, leder och skelett. Forskning & praktik 2:6-11.
195. Jensen, B. R., N. Fallentin, S. Byström, and G. Sjøgaard. 1993. Plasma potassium concentration and Doppler blood flow during and following submaximal handgrip contractions. Acta Physiol Scand 147:203-211.
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198. Fallentin, N., B. R. Jensen, S. Byström, and G. Sjøgaard. 1992. Role of potassium in the reflex regulation of blood pressure during static exercise in the human. J Physiol (Lond) 451:643-651.
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201. Sjøgaard, G. 1991. Role of exercise-induced potassium fluxes underlying muscle fatigue: a brief review. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 69:238-245.
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205. Gaffney, F. A., G. Sjøgaard, and B. Saltin. 1990. Cardiovascular and metabolic responses to static contraction in man. Acta Physiol Scand 138:249-258.
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207. Sjøgaard, G. 1990. En fysiologisk undersøgelse af syerskers arbejdsbelastning. Månedsskrift for Praktisk Lægegerning august:533-537.
208. Sjøgaard, G. 1990. Exercise-induced muscle fatigue: The significance of potassium. Acta Physiol Scand 140(suppl.593):1-64.
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210. Sjøgaard, G., G. Savard, and C. Juel. 1988. Muscle blood flow during isometric activity and its relation to muscle fatigue. Eur J Appl Physiol 57:327-335.
211. Sjøgaard, G. 1988. Muscle energy metabolism and electrolyte shifts during low-level prolonged static contraction in man. Acta Physiol Scand 134:181-187.
212. Holm, C. N., J. M. Jepsen, G. Sjøgaard, and I. Hessov. 1987. A magnesium load test in the diagnosis of magnesium deficiency. Hum Nutr Clin Nutr 41C:301-306.
213. Saltin, B., G. Sjøgaard, S. Strange, and C. Juel. 1987. Redistribution of K+ in the human body during muscular exercise; its role to maintain whole body homeostasis, p. 247-267. In: K. Shiraki and M. K. Yousef (eds.), Man in stressful environments. Thermal and work physiology. 1 ed. Thomas, C.C., Springfield, Illinois, USA.
214. Sjøgaard, G. 1987. Muscle fatigue, p. 98-109. In: P. Marconnet and P. Komi (eds.), Muscular function in exercise and training. Med Sport Sci vol 26. Karger, Basel.
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217. Sjøgaard, G. 1986. Water and electrolyte fluxes during exercise and their relation to muscle fatigue. Acta Physiol Scand 128(Suppl 556):129-136.
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219. Sjøgaard, G., B. Kiens, K. Jørgensen, and B. Saltin. 1986. Intramuscular pressure, EMG and blood flow during low-level prolonged static contraction in man. Acta Physiol Scand 128:475-484.
220. Andersen, P., R. P. Adams, G. Sjøgaard, A. Thorboe, and B. Saltin. 1985. Dynamic knee extension as model for study of isolated exercising muscle in humans. J Appl Physiol 59:1647-1653.
221. Sjøgaard, G., R. P. Adams, and B. Saltin. 1985. Water and ion shifts in skeletal muscle of humans with intense dynamic knee extension. Am J Physiol 248:R190-R196.
222. Nielsen, B., G. Sjøgaard, and F. Bonde-Petersen. 1984. Cardiovascular, hormonal and body fluid changes during prolonged exercise. Eur J Appl Physiol 53:63-70.
223. Sjøgaard, G. 1984. Muscle morphology and metabolic potential in elite road cyclists during a season. Int J Sports Med 5:250-254.
224. Sjøgaard, G., B. Nielsen, F. Mikkelsen, B. Saltin, and E. R. Burke. 1984. Physiology in Bicycling. Mouvement Publication, Inc., Ithaca, New York.
225. Sjøgaard, G. 1984. Changes in skeletal muscles capillarity and enzyme activity with training and detraining, p. 202-214. In: E. Jokl and M. Hebbelinck (eds.), Physiological chemistry of training and detraining. Medicine and Sport Science. Karger,S., Basel.
226. Sjøgaard, G. 1983. Electrolytes in slow and fast muscle fibers of humans at rest and with dynamic exercise. Am J Physiol 245:R25-R31.
227. Faria, I., G. Sjøgaard, and P. F. Bonde. 1982. Oxygen cost during different pedalling speeds for constant power output. Journal of Sports Medicine 22:295-299.
228. Sjøgaard, G. and B. Saltin. 1982. Extra- and intracellular water spaces in muscles of man at rest and with dynamic exercise. Am J Physiol 243:R271-R280.
229. Sjøgaard, G. 1982. Capillary supply and cross-sectional area of slow and fast twitch muscle fibres in man. Histochemistry 76:547-555.
230. Sjøgaard, G., B. Nielsen, F. Mikkelsen, and B. Saltin. 1982. Etude physiologique du cyclisme. Edition Scientifique réalisée par les Colloques Médico-sportifs de Saint-Etienne, Saint-Etienne.
231. Sjøgaard, G. 1982. Jon-ændringer i trætte muskler, p. 65-69. In: F. Bonde-Petersen (ed.), Lokal træthed. FADL's forlag, København.
232. Saltin, B., G. Sjøgaard, F. A. Gaffney, and L. B. Rowell. 1981. Potassium, lactate, and water fluxes in human quadriceps muscle during static contractions. Circ Res 48(Suppl I):I-18-I-24.
233. Sjøgaard, G. and F. Bonde-Petersen. 1981. Extracellular fluid volume in skeletal muscle of man as affected by postural changes, p. 655-658. In: L. Takács (ed.), Kidney and body fluids. Adv Physiol Sci. vol 11. Akademiai Kaido, Budapest.
234. Sjøgaard, G. 1981. Measurements of intra- and extracellular water spaces and electrolyte concentrations in human skeletal muscle, p. 42-44. In: F. Bonde-Petersen (ed.), Human cardiovascular adaptation to zero gravity. esa SP 1033, Copenhagen.
235. Klausen, K. and G. Sjøgaard. 1980. Glycogen stores and lactate accumulation in skeletal muscle of man during intense bicycle exercise. Scand J Sports Sci 2(1):7-12.
236. Löllgen, H., T. Graham, G. Sjøgaard, and B. Saltin. 1980. Muskelstoffwechsel, Muskelfaserzusammensetzung und Tretgeschwindigkeit in der Ergometri, p. 192-194. In: Novack and Bohmer (eds.), Sportmedizin. Thieme,G. Verlag, Stuttgart, New York.
237. Löllgen, H., T. Graham, and G. Sjøgaard. 1980. Muscle metabolites, force, and perceived exertion bicycling at varying pedal rates. Med Sci Sports Exerc 12(5):345-351.
238. Graham, T., G. Sjøgaard, H. Löllgen, and B. Saltin. 1978. NAD in muscle of man at rest and during exercise. Pflügers Arch 376:35-39.
239. Sjøgaard, G. 1978. Force-velocity curve for bicycle work, p. 93-99. In: E. Asmussen and K. Jørgensen (eds.), Biomechanics VI. University Park Press, Baltimore.
240. Sjøgaard, G., M. E. Houston, E. Nygaard, and B. Saltin. 1978. Subgrouping of fast twitch fibres in skeletal muscles of man. A critical appraisal. Histochemistry 58:79-87.
241. Saltin, B., J. Henriksson, F. Mikkelsen, E. Nygaard, and G. Sjøgaard. 1977. Menneskets skeletmuskelfibre - egenskaber, funktion og adaptabilitet, p. 5-31. In: P. H. Staff (ed.), Nordisk Idrettsmedisinsk Kongress, Beitostølen, 27-30 marts 1977.
242. Sjøgaard, G. 1977. Force/velocity-kurve for cykelarbejde samt pedatrykmålinger ved maximalt og submaximalt cykelarbejde udført med forskellige pedalfrekvenser. Tidsskrift for Legemsøvelser 41:2-8.


Human exercise physiology with focus on muscle mechanics, metabolism and fatigue in relation to peak performance as well as development of work related musculoskeletal disorders. Area of interest is neuromuscular control and biomechanics, using kinematics, kinetics and electromyography including single motor unit recordings. Physiological responses to muscular work in terms of intra- and extracellular biochemical concentrations, tissue blood flow and cardiovascular activity. Additional fields of research include development of work site physical activity programs to decrease work related musculoskeletal disorders.

Sundhedsfremme på arbejdspladsen (SPA) -
Forebyggende intervention mod nedslidning på arbejdspladsen for langsigtet effekt (FINALE) -
Rehabilitering af muskelsmerter i nakken (RAMIN) -
Virksomhedstilpasset intervention med intelligent motion mod smerter i nakke-skulderregionen (VIMS) -


Human exercise physiology with focus on muscle mechanics, metabolism and fatigue in relation to peak performance as well as development of work related musculoskeletal disorders. Area of interest is neuromuscular control and biomechanics, using kinematics, kinetics and electromyography including single motor unit recordings. Physiological responses to muscular work in terms of intra- and extracellular biochemical concentrations, tissue blood flow and cardiovascular activity. Additional fields of research include development of work site physical activity programs to decrease work related musculoskeletal disorders.


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