Personlig profil


My field of expertise is nano-optics and nano-scale physics and technology. In 2012, I established the Nanophotonics group at SDU NanoSYD, where we work on developing key nanophotonic technologies for high-performance solutions. In 2015, I was appointed as Associate Professor at SDU. Since then, the Nanophotonics group has focused on projects based on interdisciplinary approaches, with the potential for industrial applications with great environmental impact.  Since 2017, I have established a materials and optical characterisation facility with a broad range of instrumentation for chemical analysis, optical measurements and environmental testing services.

Exemplary Research Areas:

  • Correlative Microscopy
  • Fabrication of Nanophotonic structures and devices
  • Optofluidics and sensor development
  • Chemical Imaging


  • Nanophotonics and Plasmonics
  • Imaging
  • Nanofabircation
  • Sensing
  • Micorfluidics
  • Surface physics

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Physics, PhD degree, Atom-surface interactions in optical dipole mirror, Jagiellonian University

1. sep. 200524. sep. 2009

Dimissionsdato: 24. sep. 2009


  • Optiske nanosensorer
  • Materialeanalyser
  • Solceller


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