Personlig profil


Although a management scholar by training, I have never been able to summon much interest in the orthodoxy of management studies but have taken a critical and interdisciplinary approach focusing on how we organise our private and social lives. Now, thirty-odd years into my academic career, I consider myself an organizational and economic sociologist with a strong inclination towards the philosophy and history of organizing. Most of my work is theoretical, with occasional detours into qualitative empirical research. I have been employed at universities in Germany, the UK and now Denmark. I have written two monographies and published in some of the most prestigious organization studies journals.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Organization Studies, Habilitation, Struktur, Handeln, Neuheit: Säulen und Untiefen der Organisationstheorie, Chemnitz University of Technology

Dimissionsdato: 6. okt. 2008

Organization Studies, Dr. rer. pol., Zeit, Wandel und Transformation, Chemnitz University of Technology

Dimissionsdato: 16. dec. 1997

Organization Studies, Senior Lecturer, University of Leicester

1. apr. 201331. jan. 2018

Organization Studies, Lecturer, University of Leicester

1. apr. 200731. mar. 2013

Organisation, Wissenschaftliche Assistentin, Chemnitz University of Technology

1. feb. 199831. mar. 2007

Organisation, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Chemnitz University of Technology

15. feb. 199331. jan. 1998


  • Organisationsteori
  • Humanistisk videnskabsteori
  • Fænomenologi