Birthe Pedersen

Ph.D , cand, cur, exam. art Philosophy

Personlig profil


Curriculum Vitae
Birthe D. Pedersen, Ph.d, Associate Professor
Research Unit of Nursing, Institute of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of South Denmark, Campus Vej 55, 5230 Odense M
Tel: +45 65404323 
[email protected]

Academic Education
1993 MScN, Institute of Nursing Science, The Faculty of Health Science, University of Aarhus (cand. cur.)
1993 BA in Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy, University of Aarhus
1999 Ph.d. Institute of Nursing Science, The Faculty of Health Science, University of Aarhus
Employment – last 10 years
1996- 1999 Assistent Professor, Department of Nursing Science,University of Aarhus
2000 - 2001 Associate Professor, Department of Nursing Science, University of Aarhus
2001 – 2009 Associate Professor, Institute of Nursing Science, and from 2004 at Institute of Public Health, The Faculty of Health Science, University of Aarhus (On leave for Research at Research Unit of Nursing, Institute of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of South Denmark from autumn 2006)
2002-2003 Director of studies in Nursing Science, Institute of Nursing Science, The Faculty of Health Science, University of Aarhus
2003 – 2005 Head of Institute of Nursing Science, The Faculty of Health Science, University of Aarhus
2006 - Associate Professor, Research Unit of Nursing, Institute of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of South Denmark

Selected Positions on committees and in Associations
1992 - Member of Danish Association of nursing Research
1996 - 2004 Vicepresident of Danish Association of nursing Research
2004 – 2008 President of Danish Association of nursing Research
1995-- Member of Nordic College of Caring Science.
1993 -2009 Steering Committee of Scientific meetings in Nursing at Aarhus Universitety Hospital
2001- President of Research Network of Chronic Illness
2004 – Danish Nurses´ Organisation Nursing Research Fund
2007- Member of Research Council for Hospital of Southern Jutland
2007 - Member of Nursing Counsil of Region of South Denmark
2009 - Medlem af forskeruddannelsesprogrammet for Humanistisk Sundhedsforskning                                                                          2011 - Member of Nordic Network of Praksisforskning

Supervision of Ph.d students
Supervisor for 17 ph.d students. Principal supervisor for 10 and co-supervisor for six. Eight has fished their ph.d-study at The Faculty of Health Science, AU, and two from SDU. One have ongoing ph.d. programme at The Faculty of Health Science, University of Aarhus and five have ongoing ph.d. programme at Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU

Publications in 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 og 2009

Jungdal A, Pedersen BD. Pårørende til patienter med brystkræft ønsker at blive set, hørt og medindraget. Videnskab &Sygepleje Sygeplejersken 2013 (10) 72-82

Schultz H, Mogensen CB, Pedersen BD, Quist N.Front-end specialists reduce time to treatment plan for patient with acute abdomen. Dan Med J 2013; 60/(9)A4703

Berg SK, Zwisler A-D, Pedersen BD, Haase K, Sibilitz KL. Patient experiences of recovery after heart valve replacement: suffering weakness, struggling to resume normality. BMC Nursing 2013, 12:23

Lindelof A, Nielsen CV, Pedersen BD.A Qualitative longitudinal study Exploring Obese Adolescents´Attitudes Towards Physical Activity. Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 2013; 10:113-121

Pedersen BD, Hounsgaard L. Kronisk sygdom og lidelse. I: Sygeplejens Fundament (red. Steen Hundborg & Birgit Lynggaard). Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck 2013:556-265

Berg SK, Moons P, Zwisler A-D, Winkel P, Pedersen BD, Pedersen PU, Svendsen JH. Phantom shocks in patient with implantable cardioverter defibrillator: results from a randomized rehabilitation trial (COPE-ICD). Europace,Clinical research, , 2013; doi: 10.1093/eut087

Ottosen B, Pedersen BD. Patients Experiences of NPWTin outpatient setting i Denmark. Journal of Wound Care. 2013; vol. 22; nr.4

Delmar C, Jakobsen C, Forup L, Pedersen BD. The existential significance of social support: Patients’ experiences after MI. British Journal of Cardiac Nursing. 2012;7(2):83- 90.

Ebbesen M, Andersen S, Pedersen BD. Further Development of Beauchamp and Childress’ Theory Based on Empirical Ethics. Journal of Clinical Research & Bioethics. 2012;Open Access.

Ellegaard H, Pedersen BD. Stress is dominant in patients with depression and chronic low back pain: A Qualitative study of psychotherapeutic interventions for patients with non-specific low back pain of 3-12 month’ duration. B M C Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2012;13;166:1-9.

Thygesen M, Pedersen BD, Kragstrup J, Wagner L, Mogensen O, Gynecological Cancer Patients´Differentiated use of help from a Nurse Navigator: a Qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research, 2012; 12:168

Berg, Selina K, Pedersen BD, Svendsen JH, Zwisler AD, Kristensen L, Pedersen PU. COPE-ICD: Patient Experience of Participation in an ICD specifik rehabilitation programme. European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing. 2012; 11(2):207-215

Hounsgaard L, Pedersen BD, Wagner L. Hverdagslivet som uformel omsorgsudøver med en partner med Parkinsons sygdom - en interviewundersøgelse af kvinders erfaringer med omsorg og livskvalitet. Videnskab § Sygepleje. Sygeplejersken 2012; 112 (11):68-76
Schultz H, Qvist N; Mogensen C B; Pedersen BD.Following patients with acute abdominal pain in emergency departments. – konferenceart. I : Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 2012;19 (suppl 2):23

Hansen C, Pedersen BD, Konradsen H, Abrahamsen B. Anti-Osteoporotic Therapy in Denmark – Predictors and Demographics of Poor Refill Compliance and Poor Persistence. Osteoporosis International; ID: OI-2012-08-0653; on line

Angel S, Kirkevold M, Pedersen BD. Rehabilitation after a spinal cord injury and the influence of the professional´s support (or lack thereof). Journal of Clinical Nursing. 2012; Vol 20, issue 11-12;1713-1722

Pedersen BD. Fortælling som Empirisk materiale. I:Bachelorprojekter inden for det sundhedsfaglige område – indblik i videnskabelige metoder (red. Stinne Glasdam). Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck. 2011:155-163

Lindelof A, Nielsen CV, Pedersen BD. Obesity stigma at home: A qualitative, longitudinal study of obese adolescents and their parents. Childhood Obesity, 2011; vol. 7 (6):462- 474

Bruun, P, Pedersen, BD, Osther, PJ, & Wagner, L. 2010, “The Lonely Female Partner: A Central Aspect of Prostate Cancer”. Urologic Nursing; 2011, 31(5): 294-299

Nielsen K, Helms NH, Pedersen BD.The use of ePortfolio as a learning medium in Clinical Nursing Training. Short Paper ePIC, 2011:14-19

Thygesen M, Pedersen BD., Kragstrup J, Wagner L, Mogensen O.Benefits and Challenges perceived by Patients with cancer when offered a Nurse Navigator. International Journal of Integrated care. 2011; 11:130-42

Thygesen M, Pedersen BD., Kragstrup J, Wagner L, Mogensen O.Utilizing a New Graphical Elicitation Technique to Collect Emotional Narratives Describing disease Trajectories. The Qualitative Report, 2011; 16 (2):596-608

Bæk B, Pedersen BD, Agerskov H, Poulsen B. Sygeplejen ved hæmodialyse set fra patientens og personalets perspektiv. Nordisk Sygeplejeforskning/Nordic Nursing Research. 2011, nr. 1:57-65

Sørensen EE, Delmar C, Pedersen BD. Leading Nurses in Dire Straits: Head Nurses' Navigation between Nursing and Leadership roles. Journal of Nursing Management 2011; 19:421-430

Hounsgaard, L., Pedersen, B. D., Wagner, L.The daily living for informal caregivers with a partner with Parkinson’s disease - An interview study of women´s experiences of care decisions and self management. Journal of Nursing and Healthcare of Chronic Illness 2011; 3(4):504-512

Berg, SK, Svendsen JH, Zwisler AD, Pedersen BD, Preisler P, Siersbæk-Hansen L, Broekner Hansen M, Nielsen RH, Pedersen PU. COPE-ICD: A randomized controlled trial studying the effects and meaning of comprehensive rehabilitation programme for ICD recipient – design, intervention and population. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders 2011; 11:33

Leonhard J S, Bjerggaard EB, Pedersen BD, Blokager E, Fabricius SR og Jung S. Generel tilfredshed med Joint Care - En undersøgelse af patienters og personalets oplevelse/opfattelse af videreudviklingen af Joint Care. Sygeplejersken 2010; (19): 57-59

Zaiton H),Martinussen T, Hounsgaard L, Pedersen Birthe D, Campbell L, Wagner L
Can Protocolised Weaning Applied in Denmark Transfer to Egyptian Intensive care Units? A Comparative Study. The Medical Journal of Cairo University 2010; 78 (1): 337-342

Berg, Selina K, Pedersen BD. Patients perspective on endocarditis – an intermezzo in life.
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 2010; (9):126-131

Lindelof A, Nielsen CV, Pedersen BD. Obesity treatment – more food and exercise. A Qualitative study exploring obese adolenscents´and their paretns´view on the former´s obesity. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 2010 (5); 2:14 p Open Acces Journal

Dreyer PS, Steffensen BF, Pedersen BD. Living with physical impairment, Duchenne´s muscular dystrophy and home mechanical ventilation. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. 2010 (5); 3.10 p. Open Acces Journal

Dreyer PS, Pedersen BD. Distancering i Ricoeurs fortolkningsteori: fortællinger i et studie af det levede liv med kronisk sygdom og hjemmerespirator. Tidsskrift for Sygeplejeforskning 2010: 2/3:. 60-68

Dreyer P, Pedersen BD. Life with home mechanical ventilation for young men with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2010; 66 (4): 753-762

Bruun P, Pedersen BD, Osther P, Wagner L.Living with Prostate Cancer: A critical review of relatives´ experiences. International Journal of Urological Nursing 2010; 4(2): 53-61

Bruun P, Pedersen BD, Osther P, Wagner L. Prostate cancer – friend or enemy. Part one, the son. International Journal of Urological Nursing 2010; (4) 2: 62-69

Bruun P, Pedersen BP, Osther P, Wagner. Prostate cancer – friend or enemy. Part two, the Daughter. International Journal of Urological Nursing 2010; 4(3): 111-117

Lou H, Pedersen BD, Hedegaard M. Questions Never Asked - Family Outcome of Extremely Premature Childbirth. Quality of life Research 2009;18:567-573

Angel S, Kirkevold M, Pedersen BD. Getting on with life following a spinal cord injury: Regaining meaning through six phases. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being 2009;4:39-50

Angel S, Kirkevold M, Pedersen BD. Rehabilitation as a fight. A narrative case study of the first year after a spinal cord injuryregaining meaning in life with spinal cord injury.International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being 2009; 4:28-38 

Dreyer P, Pedersen BP. Distanciation in Ricoeur´s theory of interpretation – narrations in a study about life experiences living with chronicle illness and Home Mechanical Ventilation. Nursing Inquiry 2009; 16(1): 64-73

Ebbesen M, Pedersen BD: The Role of Ethics in the Daily Work of Physicians and Molecular Biologists – Results of an Empirical Study. Business & Professional Ethics Journal 2009; 27 (1): 19-46

Timmermann C, Pedersen BD. Anvendelse af kunst i sygeplejerskeuddannelsen. Sygeplejersken 2009; 109(14):54-58


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