Projekter pr. år
BCG-DENMARK-ELDERLY: Effect of the BCG vaccine on the immune system and general health in the elderly, including the response to seasonal influenza vaccination.
Madsen, A. M. R. (PI), Benn, C. S. (Vejleder), Bliddal, M. (Bivejleder) & Norberg, L. A. (Bivejleder)
01/02/2020 → 22/12/2023
Projekter: Projekt › Ph.d-projekt
Fil -
Using BCG vaccine to enhance non-specific protection of health care workers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Madsen, A. M. R. (Overordnet koordinator), Schaltz-Buchholzer, F. (Projektdeltager), Benn, C. S. (PI) & Bjerregaard-Andersen, M. (Projektdeltager)
01/06/2020 → …
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning