Personlig profil


Ann Clarke is an experienced researcher with a strong record in publishing, fundraising, knowledge exchange and management of research projects. Her research interest is in firms’ commercialization competences and management of innovation. This includes the themes: Public Private Innovation, market segmentation, commercialization, stakeholder involvement, value creation, relationships and networks, design thinking, management of innovation, business models innovation and innovation ecosystems. In recent years I have focused more on Public Private innovation. I am currently actively involved in forming a Scandinavian network on Public Private innovation, including applying for cross-country funding.



Business to business marketing: segmentation, user driven innovation, business models.

Innovation: Public private innovaiton, health, cross sectoral collaboration, partnerships, stakeholder involvement, design thinking, innovation in networks.


Nuværende projekter

1. ‘Commercialization of Public-Private Innovation Solutions’ (Danish: Syddansk OPI-pulje 2019-2021)

Financed by: The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

The purpose of the project ’Commercialization of PPI-solutions’ is to support firms in getting their prototypes ready for the market. In other words; ‘getting proof of concept’, which is turning an early prototype into a working prototype to demonstrate that it works and evaluating its feasibility. However, the road from concept to market is fraught with obstacles, and many businesses fail to pass beyond the development stage into the commercialization stage. This is also why this transformation process is often called the ’Valley of Death’. By supporting the firms economically (through EU regional funds) it is expected that the project will contribute positively to growth in employment, sales and export opportunities for the firms. Besides financial support, it is also anticipated that firms’ solutions will be validated through the Public-Private Innovations, as the partners will jointly test, develop and adjust the solutions. Funding is only provided when private firms collaborate with public parties to test and develop their prototypes. By connecting private firms to public organizations, firms improve their chances of adjusting their solutions in accordance with valuable public domain knowledge and feedback.


2. The Public-Private Innovation Nordic Research Network 

Financed by: The Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS) 

The objective with the Public-Private Innovation Nordic Research Network is to explore and advance the research field of PPI and provide knowledge and guidelines on how PPI can create value for public and private parties. Knowledge is needed on how solutions are jointly developed, how challenges are overcome, and opportunities created to enhance our understanding of how solutions are applied and diffused to the public market and to leverage and scale the opportunities. The Nordic countries takes a unique lead position in PPI as the countries have invested in various PPI-activities and created valued from these. Since throughout Europe there is increased emphasis on PPI as an essential driver for solving ‘Grand Challenges’ presented by United Nations sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s), we have a unique position to enhance research novelty. Joint network activities take place at three interrelated workshops. Purpose is to explore, enhance and elaborate across scattered PPI research conducted in Finland, Norway and Denmark and across various literature streams.


3. Cancer: Activating Technology for Connected Health – ‘Catch’: a MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS - European Industrial Doctorate (ITN) 

Financed by: H2020 Marie Curie (ITN) 

CATCH – offers 8 PhD positions in different institutions to research on connected health for patients with cancer. Advances in cancer diagnosis and treatment have been ground-breaking, and we are now considering some cancers as chronic disease rather than fatal illness. This moves the point of focus in the fight against cancer from sustaining life towards maximizing functional capacity and Quality Of Life (QOL). Technology advances such as gamification based on biofeedback, and neuromuscular electrical stimulation, can help support QOL, but challenges also exist. In particular we need to understand specific challenges and patient journeys associated with cancer care and how we can help patients to leverage psychological tools to better engage in their own care. We then need to optimize technological tools to meet patients’ rehabilitation needs, and finally, to understand how to bring resultant solutions to market where they can have maximal impact on quality of care. This can only be done by a multidisciplinary programme of research involving close collaboration between researchers in academic, clinical and industry settings. As such, CATCH is a deep collaboration across academic, business and clinical sectors. Link:


Positions held


Head of Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management (IER), 80 employees.


Vice Head of Department of Entrepreneurship and Relationship Management




Associate Professor


Assistant Professor[1]


PhD Student (industrial researcher)

A cooperation between Danfoss Drives A/S, The Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV) and the University of Southern Denmark (Sønderborg). Dissertation title: ‘Segmentation of Industrial Markets and Determining Product Line for Product Development’.


Research Assistant, at Department of Materials and Production, at Aalborg University, Denmark


Workplace environment representative


Responsible for MSc program in International Business Development


Coordinator for the Diploma (HD MM) in business administration (marketing) at campus Sønderborg and later for University of Southern Denmark.


Local coordinator for Diploma (HD MM) in business administration for Marketing Management at campus Kolding, University of Southern Denmark.



 Chairman positions of board etc.




Chairman of the Committee of Education for Business Diploma degree at SDU

Business degree directed to employees in firms and awarded after 2 years of part-time study. 

Member of National Joint Committee for Business Diploma degreeCoordination of the business diploma education across universities in Denmark.

 Coordinator of Strategic Initiatives for SDU faculty of Business & Social Science Developing relevant programmes that better fit the needs of public and private stakeholders. Customised and certified programmes and new modules at the master level.  


Chairman of the Steering Committee: Welfare Innovation at SDU. In 2016, SDU selected three lighthouse projects in which SDU has a notable opportunity to create value for society: Drones, Welfare Innovation and Open Data. Based on my research in the area, I was given the honour of steering the committee on Welfare Innovation. As part of the committee work, we select projects and award grants for 10 Million DKK. For further information:


Chairman of Board for Haderslev Katedralskole,  

Headed assessment committee that selected the new high school Principal



Vice-chairman of the board for Design2Innovate
D2I is a cluster within design at Region Southern Denmark. Is today still member of the board.




2018- present

Member of national network for business, growth and innovation

Member of Steering committee for societal impact at the Faculty of Business and Social Sciences SDU

2018- present

Heading advisoryboard on Societal Impact at SDU,  Faculty of Business and Social Sciences


Member of the Steering Committee for WHINN Conference 2017,


Member of the Steering Committee for Kolding municipality Living Design Lab


Organizer of exhibition and pitch about Public Private Innovation at Welfare Innovation Day, hosted by trade organization Monday Morning – Copenhagen, Denmark


Ambassador for Inspiring Denmark


Conference co-organizer of IMP conference local Organizing Committee


Co-organizer of track on Welfare Innovation at IMP conference in Bordeaux


Conference co-organizer: Global Knowledge, Regional Growth 2014, SDU Business conference (organised Public Private Innovation track) – Odense, Denmark 


Conference co-organizer: Public-Private Innovation Conference 2012, The Fully Automatic Centralized Sterilization Centre and Procedure Packing Project (keynote on Public Private Innovation – Odense, Denmark


Conference co-organizer: Public-Private Innovation and User-Driven Innovation (Public Innovation Stand) – Odense, Denmark


Business Development Advisors in Incubator for Public-Private Innovation and User-Driven innovation – Southern Region, Denmark.


Conference co-organizer for the industrial and academic conference on Open innovation and Market Creation – Billund, Denmark


Supervision and assessment work

Supervision of Ph.D. students


Current PhD student:


Juan Miguel Muñoz Peñas (Marie Curie) (main supervisor) (public private innovation)



Finished PhD students 


Winie Evers Finnemann (co-supervisor) (Business Models)



Helle Aarøe Nissen (co-supervisor) (public-private innovation)



Bo Schiønning Mortensen (main supervisor) (Business Models)



Pia Storvang (co-supervisor) (Design and innovation)



Organizer of PhD courses: 



Orginizer of PhD courses in Helthcare and entrepreneurship

Organizer of PhD reading courses: User Driven Innovation


Organizer of PhD reading courses: Design vs Business


Assessment Work

Traditionally I assess one PhD per year, however due to my role as Head of Department I have not prioritized taking on new assessments.

Assessment PhDs


Member of assessment committee for Lise Lodsgård 1st year PhD assessment 


Chair of assessment committee for PhD student Pia Geisby Erichsen


Member of assessment committee for Manal Al-Qahtani 1st year PhD assessment at Western Sydney University


Member of assessment committee for Assistant Professor position, Aalborg University


Chair of assessment committee for PhD student Susanne Wiatr Borg


Chair of assessment committee for PhD Mads Hovmøller


Member of assessment committee for Pia Geisby Erichsen 1st year PhD assessment


Member of assessment committee for Pia Storvangs 1st year PhD assessment 




The Professional Manager, Ramboll/Attractor (part time education for public sector managers)


Bachelor and MSc in Business Administration at Aalborg University, Denmark.


Student from Skive Gymnasium & HF (high school)





Course in facilitation of processes




Course in PhD supervision

Course in project and research managementLecturer Training Programme  (Adjunktpædagogikum)




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