Personlig profil


Curriculum vitae
1974 Teachers training course in a high school (Holstebro Gymnasium)
1974 Cand.scient. degree in biology. Thesis in freshwater biology from Univ. Copenhagen, Freshwater Biological Laboratory, Hillerød. (supervisor Prof. E. Steeman Nielsen)

Professional experience
2006-present Head of CLEAR (Centre for Lake Restoration)
1992-01 Vicedean at the Science and Technology Faculty, University of Southern Denmark, Odense
1986-87 Chairman at Institute of Biology, Odense University
1979-80 Chairman at Institute of Biology, Odense University
1979-present Associate professor at Institute of Biology, Odense University
1977-79 Assistant professor at Institute of Biology, Odense University
1975-77 Scholarship at Institute of Biology, Odense University

Research stays
2006 Research stay at US Environmental Protection Agency, Narragansett, working with Dr. Cathleen Wigand (7 month)
1996-98 Research stay at Marine Research Center, Phuket, Thailand. (1 month each year)
1990-91 Research stay at Univ. Victoria, Victoria, B.C., Canada. Working with Dr. L.A. Hobson (12 months)
1987 Research stay at Marine Research Center, Phuket, Thailand. (1 month)
1985 Research stay at Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, Texel. Working with Dr. W. Helder (2 months)
1982-83 Research stay at Bedford Institute of Oceanography, Dartmouth, Canada. Working with Drs. B.T. Hargrave and P. Kepkay (13 months)

Recent research grants
2006-2011: Centre for Lake Restoration, Villum Kann Rasmussen Foundation, shared with research groups at Univ. of Copenhagen and NERI (25.000.000 kr.). 2006: Funding of research stay at US EPA from FNU (96.678 kr.). From the Carlsberg Foundation partly funding of ICP (together with H.S. Jensen, 250,000 kr). 2004: Chemical and microbial regulation of nutrient release from sediments, SNF (444.000 kr. for FIA). 2003-05: Micro and macroprocesses at transient surfaces in aquatic environments. Participation in a SNF-frame grant headed by E. Kristensen, SDU (900,000 kr.). 2003: Carbon balance and sulfur cycling in macrophyte stands exposed to stress. Together with M. Holmer, SDU, SNF (533.664 kr.). 2001-03: Importance of submerged vegetation for nutrient cycling and stability in softwater lakes. SNF-frame grant initially headed by O. Pedersen, Univ. of Copenhagen, and later by me (1,260,034 kr). 2000: Participation in a grant from the Carlsberg Foundation and SNF for HPLC equipment (333,150 kr.). 2000-03: Macroorganisms, microorganisms and chemical diagenesis in aquatic benthic systems. Participation in a SNF-frame grant headed by M. Holmer, SDU, (600,000 kr.)

Professional affiliation
Member of American Society of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO), Societas Internationalis,Limnologiae (SIL), the International Association for Sediment & Water Science (IASWS), and the editorial board of the Danish journal Vand & Jord (Water & Soil)

Referee activity
Limnology and Oceanography , Aquatic Botany, Freshwater Biology, Hydrobiologia, Marine Ecology Progress Series, Biogeochemistry, Estuarine Coastal Shelf Science, Marine and Freshwater Research, Limnologica and others.

Research keywords
Nutrient cycling in lakes and coastal waters (macrophytes, sediments, eutrophication), lake restoration (aluminum treatment), rhizosphere processes of aquatic macrophytes (O2 release, biogeochemistry, mycorrhiza). 

Supervision of about 60 M.Sc. and 7 Ph.D. students.


  • Næringssaltkredsløbet i søer og kystområder (makrofyter, sedimenter, eutrofiering)
  • Restaurering af søer (aluminiumbehandling)
  • Processer i vandplanters rodzone (iltudskillelse, biogeokemi, mykorrhiza)


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