Undervisning og vejledning
- 30 resultater
Identification and treatment of alcohol problems in primary care
Schøler, P. N. 01/03/2023 → 30/04/2024
Kursus: Undervisning
Co-supervisor, Master thesis, Linda Bassi & Helena Bassi
Dorthe Grüner Nielsen 01/09/2021 → 29/07/2022
Kursus: Vejledning
Co-superviser, Master thesis, Hans Christian Bang
Dorthe Grüner Nielsen 09/10/2019 → 08/06/2020
Kursus: Vejledning
Biostatistikøvelser for de 5 kandidatuddannelser
Tryggedsson, J. 25/10/2019 → 25/10/2019
Kursus: Undervisning og vejledning › Undervisning
Co-supervisor, Master thesis, Lene Stryhn Eriksen & Mathias Bach Larsen
Dorthe Grüner Nielsen 10/12/2018 → 14/06/2019
Kursus: Vejledning
Co-supervisor, Master thesis, Peter Berhard Tramm
Dorthe Grüner Nielsen 10/12/2018 → 14/06/2019
Kursus: Vejledning
Postgraduate education in psychiatry for social and health assistants.
11/03/2019 → 11/03/2019
Kursus: Undervisning
Susan Demant Carlsson: Physical Therapy for In-patients With Severe Anorexia Nervosa: A Randomized Feasibility Study.
Støving, R. K. 01/01/2018 → 01/06/2018
Kursus: Vejledning
Funen Anorexia Nervosa Study. A follow up study of outcome, quality of life, mortality and body composition and menstrual cycle function.
Støving, R. K. 01/01/2013 → 06/12/2016
Kursus: Vejledning
Cannabinoid CB1 receptor agonist treatment in severe chronic anorexia nervosa: A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study.
Støving, R. K. 01/01/2012 → 25/04/2015
Kursus: Vejledning
Webinar education in bipolar disorder for newly employed in the psychiatric department
01/02/2019 → …
Kursus: Undervisning
Co-supervisor, Master thesis, Sivar Rasul & Roma Sayed
Dorthe Grüner Nielsen 01/03/2021 → …
Kursus: Vejledning