# A repository for the chapter *A Corpus-Based Approach to Colour, Shape and Typography in Logos*
This repository is associated with the chapter *A Corpus-Based Approach to Colour, Shape and Typography in Logos* by Christian Mosbæk Johannessen, Mads Lomholt Tvede, Kristoffer Claussen Boesen and Tuomo Hiippala, to be published in the edited volume *Empirical Multimodality Research* by Jana Pflaeging, Carman Ng, Janina Wildfeuer and John A. Bateman.
## What does this repository contain?
This repository contains the data and code needed to reproduce the results reported in the chapter.
## How to use this repository?
The analyses were performed in a [Jupyter notebook](https://jupyter.org/), an interactive programming environment that runs in a web browser.
If you have not used Python before on your computer, install a suitable package manager to manage Python and its associated libraries. For macOS, we recommend [Homebrew](https://docs.brew.sh/Installation). In case you run Windows, use [miniconda](https://docs.conda.io/projects/conda/en/latest/user-guide/install/).
To install Jupyter on **macOS**, follow the instructions below:
1. Open the Terminal application
2. Create a Python 3 virtual environment named `logocorp` by entering the following command: `python3 -m venv ~/logocorp`
3. Clone this repository from GitHub by entering the following command: `git clone https://github.com/thiippal/logo-corpus.git`. This clones the repository into a directory named `logo-corpus`. Use the command `cd logo-corpus` to change into the directory.
4. Install the required libraries by entering the following command: `pip install -r requirements.txt`.
5. Open the Jupyter notebook by entering the following command: `jupyter notebook analysis.ipynb`
6. Select the *Cell* menu and *Run all* to execute the notebook.
## Need help?
[Open an issue](https://github.com/thiippal/logo-corpus/issues/new/choose) in this repository.
Dato for tilgængelighed | 17. aug. 2020 |
Forlag | Zenodo.org |
Dato for datafremstilling | 15. jun. 2015 - 17. aug. 2020 |