
This course provides an in-depth academic and research-based introduction to the concept of social sustainability at work. At the same time, this course aims at connecting the notion social sustainability to organizational practice, by offering, where possible, workshops and guest lecturers.

Social sustainability means offering processes for creating successful places that promote wellbeing, by understanding what people need from the places they live and work at. Social sustainability supports social and cultural life, social amenities, opportunities for citizen and employee engagement, equal chances, and space for people and places to evolve as to their belonging and identity. Social sustainability can be reached by aligning formal and informal processes; systems; structures; and relationships have to allow both current and future generations to create a healthy and durable living. Socially sustainable communities are equitable, diverse, connected and democratic and provide a good quality of life.
Periode01/11/2023 → …
ECTS-point5,0 ECTS