The Forms of Politics Seminar Series

    Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragForedrag og præsentationer i privat eller offentlig virksomhed


    Is design innately political and if so how does that affect the design role and the designers’ responsibility? Through three open and free seminars we will have presentation and discussions on the political aspects of design. The three seminars take place in:Copenhagen, 2 October, 9 - 16 at PH cafeen, Halmtrovet 9.Speakers: Jenny Nordberg, Maja Van der Velden, Eller-med-a, Tau Ulv Lenskjold
    Oslo, 23 October, 9 – 16 at Litteraturhuset, Wergelandsveien 29.Speakers: Johanna Lewengard, João Doria, Dagny Stuedahl, Burea DetoursGothenburg, 13 November, 9 – 16 at A-Venuen, KungsportavenynSpeakers: Matilda Flºdmark, Maryam Fanni and Sara Kaaman, HAiK, Mahmºud Keshavarz, HAiK, Thomas Markussen
    The Forms of Politics is organised by Kristina Ketola Bore, a design critic, Erling Björgvinsson, professor in design at The School of Design & Crafts, Gothenburg University and Johanne Aarup Hansen, a relational designer.
    Periode2. okt. 2015
    Sted for afholdelseUnknown external organisation, Ukendt