"Secret weapons": Re-envisioning the Pill, going "non-hormonal"

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragKonferenceoplæg


Marking the 60th anniversary of the birth control pill, a Danish newspaper asked an entrepreneur and a doctor, both developing new contraceptive solutions, to reflect on the future of contraception. They delivered their response in unison: It “must be hormone-free". Meanwhile, birth control pill sales in Denmark are declining as users as well as scientists publicly raise old and new concerns about the hormonal workings of "The Pill". Thinking with feminist STS and environmental humanities scholarship, Anne Nørkjær Bang in this presentation explore this recent “non-hormonal” turn, its preoccupation with hormones, and the role of the birth control pill in its formation.
Periode16. feb. 2023
Begivenhedstitel"Secret weapons": Re-envisioning the Pill, going "non-hormonal"
PlaceringLinköping, SverigeVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • Prævention
  • Science and Technology studies
  • Hormoner
  • feminist cultural studies, feminist theories and methodologies
  • Environmental humanities
  • p-piller
  • Medier