International visions for the future of L1 education

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragGæsteforelæsning, undervisning og kursusvirksomhed ved andre universiteter


Invited to this panel with colleagues Andy Goodwyn (UK), Wayne Sawyer (Australia), Tonya Perry (the US) and Terry Locke (NZ), chaired by Larissa McLean Davies PhD. at the ARLE IFTE 2024 conference Connections and disruptions: Unsettling L1 education: Intersections of place, identity and technology at University of Melbourne
Periode19. jun. 2024
Sted for afholdelseInternational Association for Research in L1 Education (languages, literatures and literacies), Tyskland, Niedersachsen
Grad af anerkendelseInternational