International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (Tidsskrift)

    Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelsePeer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripterForskning


    International Journal of Human-Computer Studies

    The International Journal of Human-Computer Studies publishes original research over the whole spectrum of work relevant to the theory and practice of innovative interactive systems. The journal is inherently interdisciplinary, covering research in computing, artificial intelligence, psychology, linguistics, communication, design, engineering, and social organization, which is relevant to the design, analysis, evaluation and application of innovative interactive systems. Papers at the boundaries of these disciplines are especially welcome, as it is our view that interdisciplinary approaches are needed for producing theoretical insights in this complex area and for effective deployment of innovative technologies in concrete user communities.

    Periode3. dec. 2013 → …
    Type af tidsskriftTidsskrift