International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (Tidsskrift)

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International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing (Editor-in-Chief, with T. Brown) (VHB Jourqual 2015 B-Level)

The journal name relates to Harvard Business School's understanding of "The Entrepreneurial Venture" (Sahlmann/Stevenson/Roberts/Bhidé), the concept of entrepreneurship not only limited to new ventures/start-ups, but further understood as the concentration of opportunity, growth and value creation regardless of company size, age or kind. IJEV addresses organisational processes surrounding concepts of opportunity, growth and value creation. To bridge the gap between entrepreneurship and innovation research and practice, IJEV emphasises implications of this new knowledge for researchers, managers, public policy makers and business educators.
Periode2015 → …
Type af tidsskriftTidsskrift