How to engage medical students in curriculum and attendance

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragKonferenceoplæg


Background and aim
Presently we are enrolling a new generation of students at medical school which are known as
generation Z. This is the group who are challenging the educational system as they are
expecting another experience in the classroom than our previous students found inspiring their
Lecturers experience that their previous didactic and pedagogic approaches are challenged,
and students approach medical school with a very selective process of not attending lectures.
A systematic review addresses the dilemma and they found that the generation Z students
need settings and formats which are similar to their daily life and the modern digitalization.
Education at medical school is designed to embrace both nature and human sciences, and a
crucial part of professional development is to learn communication, reflection, clinical
uncertainty, and decision-making. However, there is a tendency that students pick and choose
which lectures to attend and thus miss vital information and learning which may not be
obtained on published presentations or YouTube. This tendency has increased after the Covid-
19 pandemic with digital solutions like streaming and recording of lectures. We question
whether these students will lack essential skills as future clinicians.
Our aim with this study is to explore the experience of medical students and their attitude to
learning to tailor lecturing at medical school in a Danish- Norwegian context.
We want to perform a mixed method study with both Danish and Norwegian participants
among medical students. First, we plan to perform a qualitative study with semi-structured
individual interviews with 6 students from each country to explore their attitudes and
preferences of learning.
Based on the results of the interview study, we will then design a questionnaire to a
representative group of medical students in both Denmark and Norway. We will compare the
answers from the different universities and from students in different parts of the education.
This study can be a project for a Ph.D. candidate or for students on research track.
Periode10. jan. 2024
BegivenhedstitelOCHER Conference on Communication
PlaceringOslo, NorgeVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational