Healthy ageing and digital media technologies

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What does healthy ageing in a digital world look like? In this seminar the postdoctoral researchers in the “Healthy Ageing in a Digital World” (HAIDI) project will present their ongoing and earlier research. Hanna Varjakoski (University of Eastern Finland) will talk about her work on portrayals of ageing and older people in the media that she examined in her dissertation (Resistance, playing with age identities and activist grannies: Portrayals of ageing in the Finnish media). Amalie Søgaard Nielsen (University of Southern Denmark) will present work on digital health literacy from her dissertation Use and Non-use of Digital Patient-Reported Outcomes Among People with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Fredrika Thelandersson will then introduce the HAIDI-project, which examines digitalisation and health development among seniors 75+ in the Nordic countries. Each researcher will give an update on the empirical and analytical work, one year into the project.
Periode27. sep. 2023
Sted for afholdelseLund University, Sverige