The year 2020 marked the 100th anniversary of the referendums in Schleswig and the border demarcation between Denmark and Germany, which still exists today. As an internationally relevant provision in the Treaty of Versailles (Chapter III “Referendum”, Section XII “Schleswig”) to end World War I, the referendums have national significance for Germany and Denmark and regional significance for Schleswig, Schleswig-Holstein, and the German-Danish border region.Especially in Denmark, but also in the border region, referendums and border demarcation are still anchored in the collective memory of many contemporaries interested in history and culture – and the year 2020 should be filled with a density of events previously unknown in this form.
Within the culture of remembrance, there are still clear differences between Denmark and Germany. Whereas a national “reunification” (genforeningen) is being staged on the Danish side, a “Cultural Year of Friendship 2020” was proclaimed between the Federal Republic of Germany and the Kingdom of Denmark on a bilateral level. In addition, the state of Schleswig-Holstein celebrated the existence of minorities in Schleswig-Holstein and in the German-Danish border region – at least until the works of the anniversary were forced to stop due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Regarding the different relevance that the referendums do have in German, Danish and Schleswig-Holstein research, the digital conference will make hitherto unconsidered paradigms visible and first place the referendums in the pan-European context as a consequence of World War I. By analysing different narratives, the discrepancies between regional consciousness and national voting will be presented. In this way, the conference will shed light on the significance of a supposedly regional referendum for the two nation states of Denmark and Germany, which is why the first substantive section is dedicated to this aspect.
The second section analyses the significance of the minorities in Denmark and Germany and their respective relationship to the majority population as well as to their “two” states. Here, the historiographical view of border demarcation is combined with the immediate consequences for the people in the region and their significance for the two nation states. In this way, the conference takes up issues that were the focus of attention in 2020, especially in the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein.
Finally, the third section expands the focus to European border issues that were negotiated on an international level in and around 1920. Through the comparative analysis of the regions of Silesia, Trentino/Tyrol, and Schleswig as well as Ireland/ Great Britain, different approaches to regional conflicts can be related to each other in this way. In addition, the respective supra-regional significance of a supposedly “small” regional border problem becomes clear.
All sections will be linked by the overarching theme of “scopes of action and narratives”. The aim is to show how differently people at different times and places reacted to changes imposed by the state or created by war, and what long-term consequences border demarcations had and have for regional and national memory.
In order to include recent events, specifically the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the German-Danish border region in our reflections, we also invite you to a public panel discussion on 11 May 2021 at 7.00 pm:
“How much border remains after the border anniversary? German-Danish perspectives in May 2021”.
Both the conference and the panel discussion will be in German.
Registration for both events is possible by e-mail. You will receive the access data/links in due time.
Registration: [email protected]
Dienstag, 11. Mai
13:00 Uhr Prof. Dr. Oliver Auge, Caroline E. Weber (M.A)
Sektion I: Regionales Bewusstsein und nationale Entscheidungen (Moderation: Martin Krieger)
13:30 Uhr Caroline E. Weber (M.A.) (Sonderburg/DEN)
„Schanddiktat“ oder „Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Völker“? Zeitgenössische Sichtweisen zu den Volksabstimmungen
14:00 Uhr Prof. Dr. Steen Bo Frandsen (Sonderburg/DEN)
Flensburg und die Grenze. Auswirkungen einer nationalen Volksabstimmung für ein regionales Zentrum
14:30 Uhr Prof. Dr. Oliver Auge (Kiel/GER)
Eine Kampfprofessur in Kiel. Die Einrichtung des Lehrstuhls für schleswig-holsteinische Geschichte an der Kieler Universität 1924
15:00 Uhr Dr. Ulrike Fleth-Barten (Odense/DEN)
Die juristische Bedeutung des Selbstbestimmungsrechtes der Völker für die deutsch-dänischen Grenzregion nach 1920 (canceled)
15:30 Uhr Diskussion und Pause
Sektion II: Die Minderheiten zwischen Nation-State und Kin-State (Moderation: Caroline Weber)
16:30 Uhr Dr. Steffen Werther (Södertörn/SVE)
Die Germanisierung der deutschen Minderheit seit den 1930er Jahren
17:00 Uhr Prof. Dr. Hans Schultz-Hansen (Apenrade/DEN)
Dänemarks Sicht auf die Grenze von 1920 und Positionen der dänischen Minderheit
17:30 Uhr Prof. Dr. Martin Klatt (Sonderburg/DEN)
Die Grenze als Thema der Minderheiten seit den Bonn-Kopenhagener Erklärungen
19:00 Uhr Podiumsdiskussion: Wie viel Grenze bleibt nach dem Grenzjubiläum? Deutsch-dänische Perspektiven im Mai 2021, Moderation: Caroline E. Weber (Centre for Border Region Studies)
Martin Klatt (Centre for Border Region Studies), Stephan Kleinschmidt (Stellvertretender Bürgermeister von Sønderborg), Gerret Liebing Schlaber (Deutsches Gymnasium Nordschleswig), Sonja Wolf (The European Centre for Minority Issues)
Mittwoch, 12. Mai
Sektion III: Bürgerkrieg und Plebiszit in europäischen Grenzregionen (Moderation: Steen Bo Frandsen)
09:00 Uhr Dr. Martin Göllnitz (Marburg/GER)
Kulturkampf, Terrorismus und Sabotage. Gewaltakte in der deutsch-dänischen Grenzregion 1918–1945
09:30 Uhr Prof. Dr. Timothy Keith Wilson (St. Andrews /SCO)
Zwischen Bürgerkrieg und Government of Ireland Act. Irland und Großbritannien um das Jahr 1920
10:00 Uhr Prof. Dr. Andrea di Michele (Bozen/ITA)
Südtirol und Trentino im Übergang von Österreich zu Italien 1919/1920
10:30 Uhr Diskussion und Pause
11:30 Uhr Dr. Paul Srodecki (Kiel/GER)
Die Region Schlesien zwischen Deutschland, Polen und der Tschechoslowakei
12:00 Uhr Prof. Dr. Martin Krieger (Kiel/GER)
Die deutsch-dänische Grenze und das System der kollektiven Sicherheit in Nordeuropa nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg
12:30 Uhr Ryan Gesme (M.A) (Tennessee/Odense/USA/DEN)
Danish Agitation and International Reception of the Schleswig Plebiscite
Periode | 11. maj 2021 → 12. maj 2021 |
Begivenhedstype | Konference |
Grad af anerkendelse | International |