From Romantic Ecological Saints to Post-Modern Climate Sinners - Speculations on English-Language in the Interface between Environmentalism, Literary History, and Critical Theory

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragGæsteforelæsning, undervisning og kursusvirksomhed ved andre universiteter


Keynote lecture at the 8th BAKEA International Western Cultural and Literary Studies Symposium, Marmara University ( 1-3 November 2023) on ecocriticism and environmental concern in romantic, modern and post-modern English and American literature, theory and culture.
Periode1. nov. 2023
Sted for afholdelseMarmara University, Tyrkiet
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • Økokritik, engelsk litteratur, engelsk romantik, William Wordsworth, postmodernisme, miljøhistorie, The Dust Bowl, Stormy Weather