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The research group The Performances of Everyday Living at SDU
Odense is pleased to present the conference EXTREME MUSIC:
HEARING AND NOTHINGNESS. The research presented suggests,
explore and examine the respects in which music may be
transgressive, provocative or alien; are there respects in which
some music challenges us to the point that it may even prompt
questioning as to the very nature of music?
The research presentations deal with the notion of extreme music
in relation to a wide variety musical genres. The conference is a
cross-disciplinary endeavor. Presentations reflect the perspectives
of philosophy, musicology, musical composition, marketing, leisure
studies, media studies, literary studies, music pedagogy, semiotics,
psychology, gender studies, education studies, performance
studies and culture studies.
This conference builds upon the momentum initiated and
maintained by the spring 2016 series of guest lectures at SDU
entitled "Extreme Music", the fall 2016 series of guest lectures at
SDU entitled "(More) Extreme Music" and the international
conference entitled “Mind Over Metal: Metal Music and Culture
from A Cross-Disciplinary Perspective” held in December 2015 at