European Chemical Agency Endocrine Disrupter Expert Group (Ekstern organisation)

Aktivitet: MedlemskabMedlemskab af udvalg, kommission, råd, nævn, forening, organisation eller lignende


The European Chemical Agency Endocrine Disrupter Expert Group (ECHA ED EG) is established to provide informal and non-binding scientific advice to the European Chemical Agency under EU on questions related to the identification of endocrine disrupting properties of chemicals and, in particular, on questions related to screening methods/activities to identify potential endocrine disrupting Chemicals.
ECHA proposes to set up this group as a self-standing ECHA expert group and not directly as a sub-group of any of the ECHA Committees or any other existing group.
The possibility to nominate two experts per Member State is to allow for the situation where a Member State may wish to nominate different ED experts for human health and the environment. Otherwise one nomination is requested

Nominated by the Danish EPA to be the Danish Expert for the Environment in the ECHA ED EG.
Periode1. nov. 2013 → …
Sted for afholdelseEuropean Chemical Agency Endocrine Disrupter Expert Group
Grad af anerkendelseInternational