This presentation focuses on the emergence of critical language awareness (Fairclough, 1992; Nuñez, 2022) and its relationship to students’ linguistic repertoires (Busch, 2012, 2017) in the context of a plurilingual course on General Language Awareness in Danish upper secondary (Almen sprogforståelse, cf. Daryai-Hansen et al., in progress). Many studies on bilingualism and multilingualism have found that language users with more complex linguistic repertoires (bilinguals and multilinguals) have higher levels of metalinguistic awareness (Bialystok, 2001, 2011; Hofer & Jessner, 2019; Oliveira & Ancâ, 2018). As noted by Kroll and Bialystok (2013), bilingualism is not a categorical variable, and the same can be said of multilingualism. Individuals have different linguistic experiences and backgounds, and the composition of their linguistic repertoires is highly individualised (Blackledge & Creese, 2010; Cenoz, 2017; Heller, 2007). This presentation takes a specific interest in students’ plurilingual repertoires and the relationship beween these repertoires and students’ manifestations of critical language awareness. According to Nuñez (2022), the development of critical language awareness is related directly to the linguistic oppression and inequities frequently experienced by linguistic minorities, and thus such minorities might be expected to have enhanced capacities for critical language awareness.In this presentation, the relationship between students’ plurilingual repertoires and their manifestations of critical language awareness within the setting created by the Plurilingual Education project (financed by the Danish Research Council, grant no: 0132-00208B; see Daryai-Hansen et al. 2020) aiming specifically at establishing plurilingual affordances (Krogager Andersen, 2021) for critical language awareness for all students irrespectively of their linguistic background is explored. This allows for a discussion of the following questions: a) what is the nature of the relationship between students’ linguistic repertoires and their manifestations of critical language awareness? b) to what extent can plurilingual teaching establish affordances for critical language awareness for all students? and c) how may plurilingual teaching activities be designed and integrated in mainstream language teaching in ways that promote critical language awareness?
Periode | 30. jun. 2023 |
Begivenhedstitel | 10th International Conference of the Association EDiLiC: From Early Childhood to Adulthood: Transitions, Continuity, and Disruptions in Plurilingual Education |
Begivenhedstype | Konference |
Konferencenummer | 10 |
Placering | København, DanmarkVis på kort |
Grad af anerkendelse | International |
Relateret indhold
Plurilingual Education – Minority and Majority Students’ Language Awareness across Educational Levels.
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning