Early Career Researchers' Retreat, Department of Business & Management

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i faglig begivenhedOrganisering af eller deltagelse i workshop, kursus, seminar eller lignende


The Early Career Researchers' Retreat was one of the first events organised by the new Department of Business & Management, building on an annual ECR event instituted by the Department of Marketing & Management. 17 early career researchers attended, with at least one respresentative of each of the Department's 7 research groups. In addition to presentations by Head of Department Dannie Kjeldgaard, Research Support Specialist Sisse Marie Buur and Communications Consultant Judy Hermansen, participants were encouraged to spend time working on personal projects and socialising across research group boundaries. Post event feedback indicated that participants had enjoyed the event and benefited professionally and personally from the opportunity to meet and get to know colleagues face to face, in a year that had been significantly disrupted by COVID-lockdowns.
Periode15. sep. 202117. sep. 2021
PlaceringFaaborg, DanmarkVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseLokal