Betydningen af ar fundet ved fotokolposkopisk undersøgelse af hymen

  • Leth, P. M. (Underviser)
  • Gitte B. Kristensen (Underviser)

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragKonferenceoplæg


Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the role of selected factors coherence with occurrence of hymen scar tissue, compared to those who had no scar tissue. Furthermore, the aim was to investigate the consistence of the findings due to photo-colposcopy of the girls hymen and international guidelines in the presence of suspected sexual abuse (SA). Design A retrospective cohort study.
 Methods All cases of photo-colposcopy examined girls in a six-year period were reviewed, and retrospective data was collected.
 Results Photo-colposcopic examination of 80 girls <15 years old, suspected exposed to SA was included. 16 girls turned out to have scared hymen lesions.
The investigation of related factors showed significant link to the occurrence of scar tissue, in case of bleed- ing, age of lesion and number of sexual assaults. According to Adams guidelines, a 3-9 o’clock located lesion is important for diagnostics of SA. Location at 7 o’clock was most frequent.
Between the Institute of Forensic Medicine at University of Southern Denmark (IFM of SDU) and Adams guidelines a convincing consistency showed a number of lesions. 5/7 had predominantly diagnostic and 2/4 had suspiciously diagnostic lesions.
 Conclusion First of all, bleeding as a symptom in relation to SA turn out to be important for the occurrence of scar tissue. Puberty and the age of the hymenal lesions also tend to matter for the occurrence of scar tis- sue. Secondly, consistency between the Adams international guideline and the examination findings in the diagnostic process at the IFM of SDU occurs.
Periode1. nov. 2019
BegivenhedstitelDansk Selskab for Retsmedicins Årsmøde 2019
PlaceringOdense, DanmarkVis på kort


  • Klinisk retsmedicin
  • incest
  • seksuelt misbrug af børn