iogas upgrading via biomethanation is a prospective method that can integrate the biogas grid with renewable power grid where excess power can be used to produce H2 needed for the methanogenesis of the CO2 present in the biogas. Recent studies has shown that bio-methanation using biotrickling filter (BTF) is a promising technology for biomethanation as it offers relatively higher methane production per unit volume due to the large surface area available in the form of biofilm. Selection of an effective packing material for hydrogenotrophic methanogens biofilm is a major design variable for the BTF. However, testing the packing in a continuously operating BTF is costly both in time and resources. In this study an easy-to-use batch assay is developed and demonstrated for testing several packing materials at a time, which will allow comparative performance analysis of multiple packing materials at a low cost. The assay can also be effective for comparative analysis of other operation parameters such as temperature, nutrient media, and inoculums.Periode | 9. jul. 2020 |
Begivenhedstitel | 28th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition |
Begivenhedstype | Konference |
Grad af anerkendelse | International |