Armed Drones And State Accountability

  • Agnes Callamard (Oplægsholder)
  • Rogers, J. (Oplægsholder)

Aktivitet: Foredrag og mundtlige bidragGæsteforelæsning, undervisning og kursusvirksomhed ved andre universiteter


In July, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Extra-Judicial Killings, Dr. Agnès Callamard, released her report on targeted killings by armed drones. The report highlights the proliferation of armed drone use by state and non-State actors is accompanied by an increasing disregard of central international law principles. The report examines the legality of the targeted killing of Iran’s General Qassem Soleimani in a January as a case study and provides recommendations designed to regulate their use and increase accountability for targeted killings by armed drones.

Join CIC Edmonton as we hear from Dr. Agnes Callamard and Dr. James Rogers, armed drone expert and Advisor to the UN Special Rapporteur on the report, who will talk about the findings of the July 2020 report, their thoughts and recommendations on the future of armed drones, as well as answer questions from the audience.
Periode5. okt. 2020
Sted for afholdelseCanadian International Council, Canada
Grad af anerkendelseNational