Analysing and visualizing the writing process documented in manuscripts. The case of Hans Christian Andersen

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Manuscript editions encoded in TEI-XML often amass a large amount of structured data about an author’s writing and revision processes. The data allows researchers to zoom out from the individual miniscule changes and reconstruct overall rounds of revision in form of visualization. However, visualizations can be technically daunting and time-consuming, so the potential is often unused. This paper proposes a comparatively simple, three-step analytical process from an XML-file to easily legible bar-charts in SVG-format. Our case is the digital manuscript edition of the Fairy Tales and Stories by Hans Christian Andersen. We compare this three-step process to other visualizations within the field of genetic editions and explore, how the charts are integrated into the analysis of the plot building and revision strategies. In this manner, data drawn from the genetic editions can support genetic criticism in a more analogue mode.
Periode6. sep. 2022
Begivenhedstitel25. Arbeitstagung der Skandinavistik
PlaceringMünchen, TysklandVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational